Sadi's Home Page Guide

  • Getting Your Account Ready
  • Writing "html" Documents
  • Editing "html" Documents
  • Creating Links

  • In publishing web pages (creating pages for viewing through WWW),
    you need to do the following:
    1. Create a world-accessible directory called public_html within your CUNIX account.
    2. Create HTML documents.
    3. Make your documents world-accessible.

  • Getting Your Account Ready:
    1. Login into your cunix account.
    2. At the cunix $ prompt type the following commands: (you only need to do this once)
      $ chmod a+x ~
      $ mkdir ~/public_html
      $ chmod a+rx ~/public_html

  • Creating "html" Documents:

  • Editing "html" Documents:

  • Creating Links:
  • To create a link in "html", you need two things:
    1- The name of the file (or the URL of the file) you want to link.
    2- The text that will serve as the "hot spot" (the text that will be highlighted).
    Linking local documents using "Relative" and "Absolute" path names.
  • Relative Path:
  • href="file.html"
    This file is located in the same (current) directory/folder.
  • Relative Path:
  • href="../file.html"
    This file is located in the directory/folder one level up from the current directory/folder.
  • Relative Path:
  • href="files/file.html"
    This file is located in the directory/folder called "files". (The "files" directory/folder is located in the same (current) directory/folder.
  • Absolute Path:
  • href="
    This file is located at Columbia University's web server under the "sss31" directory/folder.

    To link your own documents, you should use relative path names instead of absolute path names (whenever possible). It is easier to maintain "html" documents with relative path names. Absolute path names are not portable. If you specify your links as absolute path names and you move your files elsewhere, or rename a directory, then all your links will brake and you will have to edit your "html" files to fix them.
  • Linking to other documents on the Web ("Absolute" path).

  • Commonly Used Pico Commands:

  • Comments to: S. Sadi Seferoglu: [email protected]
  • Last updated: September 2, 1997
  • Page URL:

  • Go back to Publishing on the Web Home Page