John Doe's Home Page

John Doe's Picture
John Doe
John Doe's Department
Teachers College, Columbia University

Tel: (212) 678-3000
Fax: (212) 678-4048

Welcome to John Doe's Awesome Home Page.
I am a (doctoral/masters student) (faculty member) (staff member) in the XXXXXXXXX Department/Program at Teachers College, Columbia University.
This is my first try in creating a home page.

Teachers College, Columbia University is the worlds largest and most diverse graduate school of education with programs in teaching, educational administration and policy, health, and psychology. The student body of 4,500 comes from every state in the U.S. and nearly every country in the world.
Teachers College, Columbia University was recently cited as the #1 Graduate School of Education in the nation. (Source: U.S. News & World Report, March 18, 1996). You can see a partial list on this web page: 1996 U.S. News Graduate Education School Rankings, Top 25

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