* Victoria Murillo, Virginia Oliveros, Milan Vaishnav * Left Turn? How Economic Constraints Shape Presidential Agency (2011). * In Steven Levitsky and Kenneth Roberts (eds.) The Resurgence of the Latin American Left, John Hopkins University Press. * Last revised June 2010 **Generate political variables *Generate "Presidential Ideology" (dependent variable) gen prespartyideocode = . replace prespartyideocode = 1 if prespartyideo== "L" replace prespartyideocode = 2 if prespartyideo== "CL" replace prespartyideocode = 3 if prespartyideo== "C" replace prespartyideocode = 4 if prespartyideo== "CR" replace prespartyideocode = 5 if prespartyideo== "R" *Generate "Incumbent Ideology" gen incumbentideocode = . replace incumbentideocode = 1 if incumbentideo== "L" replace incumbentideocode = 2 if incumbentideo== "CL" replace incumbentideocode = 3 if incumbentideo== "C" replace incumbentideocode = 4 if incumbentideo== "CR" replace incumbentideocode = 5 if incumbentideo== "R" *Generate "Right Opposition" gen opp1right = . replace opp1right = 0 if opp1ideo== "0" replace opp1right = 0 if opp1ideo== "L" replace opp1right = 0 if opp1ideo== "CL" replace opp1right = 0 if opp1ideo== "C" replace opp1right = 1 if opp1ideo== "CR" replace opp1right = 1 if opp1ideo== "R" ** Generate Economic variables * Generate "Inflation Lagged (ln)" gen lninflationlag = ln(inflationlag) * Generate "GDP per capita (ln)": gen lngdppercapitappp = ln(gdppercapitappp) **Table 2.1: Explaining Presidential Ideology oprobit prespartyideocode currentaccount gdpgrowthlag lninflationlag lngdppercapitappp, robust cluster(countrycode) outreg2 using governing, bracket replace oprobit prespartyideocode currentaccount gdpgrowthlag lninflationlag lngdppercapitappp totaldebtservicegni deficitifs signedimfaverage, robust cluster(countrycode) outreg2 using governing, bracket append oprobit prespartyideocode currentaccount gdpgrowthlag lninflationlag lngdppercapitappp ageofdemocracy incumbentideocode opp1right, robust cluster(countrycode) outreg2 using governing, bracket append oprobit prespartyideocode currentaccount gdpgrowthlag lninflationlag lngdppercapitappp signedimfaverage totaldebtservicegni deficitifs ageofdemocracy incumbentideocode opp1right, robust cluster(countrycode) outreg2 using governing, bracket append **APPENDIX *Table 2A.1: Number of observations, by country tab countryname *Table 2A.2: Frequency distribution of presidential ideologies tab prespartyideocode *Table 2A.3: Descriptive statistics sum prespartyideocode currentaccount gdpgrowthlag lninflationlag lngdppercapitappp totaldebtservicegni deficitifs signedimfaverage ageofdemocracy incumbentideocode opp1right