Generic Psychotherapy

William Dubin, Ph. D.

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During the past generation we have been besieged with many kinds of psychotherapy. If you think of the various kinds of psychotherapy - psychoanalysis, behavior therapy, cognitive restructuring, gestalt therapy, etc., as various brand names, then generic psychotherapy can be thought of as an effort to explore the active ingredients which underlie each form of therapy. This web site is devoted to seeking what is generic in the various treatment modalities. What are the fundamental active ingredients that operate in every form of therapy? Can essential psychological parameters, analogous to the basic quantities of physics: length, mass, and time be found to define the "space" of psychotherapy? The outcome of this exploration can then form the basis of generic psychotherapy. This site invites contributions from professionals, students, and patients. Indeed, the World Wide Web offers a unequaled prospect of obtaining experiences about what produces effective psychotherapy from both the consumers and the providers of the treatment.

Picture of a book orbiting the world Web Folk Hypertexts

The World Wide Web offers a unique opportunity to engage in a new form of text book development. The text books that we were all exposed to in school or college are static documents that we had no part in creating. They presented material in ways that we often found hard to understand. This generic psychotherapy web site is an experiment in developing a text that is generated by the folk in the web community. The idea of folk hypertext is different from interest groups or usenet groups because it is structured with the intent of producing a coherent evolving web based hypertext that is accessible and useful to professionals students and patients.

Yellow ball bullet Contributions

Your active participation is essential in order to provide the materials needed to give a broad range of insights about what fosters effective psychotherapy. An important aspect of this work is to get replies from people who are or who have been in psychotherapy describing what has been helpful for them. It is crucial to understand what patients find helpful in their treatment. If you have been in treatment and would like to participate in this survey please complete the patient's form. If you are a therapist and would to share your insights about what is generic to psychotherapy please complete the therapist's form. Potential contributors are referred to a list of various subject areas. If you have expertise in one or more of these areas, original writing on the subject, citations of relevant literature, or other sources, including web sites, please e-mail to William Dubin If you have any problems using the forms, or if you have comments or suggestions your contributions will be greatly appreciated. In order to make the material more readily accessible it would be very helpful for us to get clinical examples.

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Site Maintained by William Dubin, Ph.D. 212 889 3665.