Easy Art

An online interactive platform and its Android version
for users to explore, deconstruct and reconstruct artworks.
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Easy Art is a platform with both its Android app and online website for people who love art to collect, share and learn art in a digital space. The idea is to make art appreciation and learning easier to and more accessible to people.


As the following pictures of app interfaces show, user first sign up or log in their personal account and then enter their own account, where there are artworks they could collect,share, make comments, search and learn more later in the website.

When user saw an object in the museum, they could take a picture of that object and share with their friends or search about that object. And they could store that picture into their own collections and make comments about that object. If they like, they could also upload that object to our forum and database to share with more people. When they have a computer around, they could go the webiste to learn more information about that object and also interact with the object. Take Mondrain's painting for example, users could reconstruct that painting to different compositions and colours so that they would better understand why that painting is particularly good. This app could have collaborations with museums and schools for creative art education.

Yue Liu   |   yl3152@tc.columbia.edu   |   CV   |   Linkedin