Making Your CourseWorks Site More Accessible (for Instructors)
A 45-minute sessions for Columbia faculty and graduate student instructors.
Would you like to make your course site accessible but don’t know where to start?
This session offers simple ways to improve the accessibility of your CourseWorks site for all your students. Learn how to use the Ally accessibility checker, to improve the accessibility of your course materials, and how to make your site more welcoming and easy to navigate. The session will include opportunities to ask questions and to reflect on how you can integrate accessibility practice into your teaching context.
Unable to join us for this demo and Q&A? Engage with our on-demand resource: Four Ways to Make Your Course More Accessible. You can also schedule a consultation, or find other workshops on our CTL events calendar.
Columbia University makes every effort to accommodate individuals with disabilities. Contact [email protected] or 212.854.1692 for accommodations.
This event may be photographed. Note, if this is an online event, CTL staff may take screenshots. For concerns, contact [email protected].