Preface ............................................... in-vn
Table of sections of New York City Consolidation Act
(L. 1883, ch. 410), showing which have been revised
in Greater New York Charter, which repealed or
superseded,and'whieh still in force or unaffected.. xv-xlvii
Eeference table of statutory sources of sections of
New York City Consolidation Act................. xlix-lix
Table of acts relating- to The City of New York from
January 1, 1882, when the New York City Consoli¬
dation Act was deemed enacted, to and including"
the legislative session of 1897, excluding acts
expressly repealed................................ Ixi-civ
Introductory ......................................... cv-cxlix
Act (L. 1890, ch. 11) creating- commission to inquire
into expediency of consolidation of municipalities, cv-cvi
Act (L. 1894, ch. 64) referring question of consolidation
to popular vote of municipalities concerned....... cvi-cviii
Vote of municipalities on consolidation................ cviii
Act (L. 1896, ch. 488) consolidating the local govern¬
ments within the city and county of New York, the
counties of Kings and Richmond and Long Island
City, and the towns of Newtown, Flushing and
Jamaica, and part of the town of Hempstead in
Queens county.................................... cix-cxi
Commission appointed by Governor to prepare
Charter ........................................... cxi
Comniittee on draft of Charter........................ cvi
Keport of Committee on Draft......................... cxii-cxvii
Report of Commission to Legislature accompanying
Charter ........................................... cxxvii-cxlvii
Section. Page,
Boundaries, boroughs, powers, rights and obligations
of the city........................................ 1-11 1-8
Legislative department............................... 17-60 9-3&
Franchises and Grants of Land Under Water.
Title l. Franchises ................................... 71-77 37-39
2. Grants of lands under water.................. 83-88 40-43