Sec. 17. Legislative power; where vested.
18. Council; number of; president; quorum; salaries.
19. Council, how chosen; council districts.
30. Term of office of members of the council.
21. Mayor, an ex-officio member of the council.
33. Time of meeting of council.
S3. When president of council to act as mayor; powers; temporary
chairman of council.
24. Board of aldermen, how constituted; term of office ; vacancies, how
filled: salary.
25. Id,; quorum.
26. Id.; how president elected and removed.
37. Council and board of aldermen; sergeant-at-arms; rules; journal;
sittings; expulsion of m.embers.
38. City clerk, appointment, term, duties ; papers certified by him to be
29. Id.; proceedings of municipal assembly.
30. Certain ordinances and resolutions, how passed, and approved; ayes
and noes published.
31. Records open for inspection; other duties of clerk; sickness.
32. Id.; records and papers delivered to and kept by the clex'k; clerks in
33. Id.; salary and deputies.
34. Licenses to auctioneers.
35. Municipal assembly; journal; ayes and noes.
36. Id.; no member eligible to any city office.
37. Id.; meetings.
38. Id.; style of ordinances.
39. Id.; vote required to pass ordinances and resolutions.
40. Mayor's veto.
41. Ordinances to remain in force.
42. Power to acquire additional water-works.
43. Id.; to restrict height of buildings.
44. Power to appoint special committees.
45. Franchises for street railways^ ferries.
46. Municipal assembly ; powers and duties of former boards.
47. Id.; police, health, park, fire and building regulations.
48. Id.; further powers; bonds for specified public improvements.
49. Id.; ordinances and regulations for certain purposes.
60. Id.; foregoing enumeration of powers not restrictive; general power.
51. Id.; licenses to second-hand dealers; penalty for violating ordinance.
63. Id.; designating common jails.
63. Id.; assignment of places for holding courts of general and special
sessions and magistrates' or police courts.