Title I. Franchises.
2. Grants of land under water.
Sec. 71, Inalienable rights of the city to its properties.
72. Franchises to be granted by ordinance.
73. Limits and conditions to grants of franchises.
74. Proceedings prior to grant of franchise.
75. Municipal assembly to pass ordinances.
76. City may dispose of buildings not required for public use.
77. Acts not applicable to grants under this title.
Inalienable rights of the city to its properties.
§ 71. The rights of the city in and to its water front, ferries,
wharf property, land under water, public landings, wharves,
docks, streets, avenues, parks, and all other public places are
hereby declared to be inalienable.
■ See L. 1882, ch. 410, §§ 130C-1977.
Franchises to be granted by ordinance.
§ 72. Every grant of or relating to a franchise of any character
to any person or corporation must, unless otherwise provided in
this act, be by ordinance.
Ijimits and conditions to grants of franchises.
§ 73. After the approval of this act no franchise or right to use
the streets, avenues, parkways or highways of the city shall be
granted by the municipal assembly to any person or corporation
for a longer period than twenty-five years, but such grant may at
the option of the city provide for giving to the grantee the right
on a fair revaluation or revaluations to renewals not exceeding in
the aggregate twenty-five years./ Such grant, and any contract in
pursuance thereof, may provide that upon the termination of the
franchise or right granted by the municipal assembly the plant, as