Sec. 94. Mayor; executive power in and election of; salary.
95. Mayor's power of removal.
96. Administrative dejiart ments.
97. Department of finance; comptroller.
93. Law department; corporation counsel.
99. Police department; police board.
100. Board of public improvements and departments represented therein.
101. Department of pai-ks; park board.
103. Department of buildings.
103. Depai'tment of public chai'ities; board of public charities.
104. Department of correction; commissioner of.
105. Fire depai'tment; tlie fire cooiinissioner.
106. Department of docks and ferries; board of docks.
107- Department of taxes and assessments; board of taxes and assess¬
108. Department of education.
109. Department of health; board of health.
Mayor; executive power in and election of; salary.
§ 94. The executive power of The City of New York, as con¬
stituted by this act, shall be vested in the mayor and the officers
of the department. The mayor shall be the chief executive
officer of the city; he shall be elected at the general election in
the year eighteen hundred and ninety-seven, and every four years
thereafter, and shall hold his office for the term of four years
commencing at noon on the first day of January after his election.
He shall be ineligible for the next term after the termination of
his office. The salaiy of the mayor shall be fifteen thousand
dollars a year.
L. 1883, ch. 410. gij 30, 31.
SeePeopleex rel. Wood v. Lacombe, 99 N. Y. 43; affi'g 34 Hun. 401.
Mayor's power of removal.
J; 95. At any time within six months after the commencement
of his term of office the mayor, elected for a full term, may,
whenever in his judgment the public interests shall so require,
remove from office any public officer holding office by appoint-