Sec. 115. Mayor; duties of.
116. Id.; a magistrate.
117. Id.; may appoint clerks, etc.
118. Id,; to appoint heads of departments; terms of latter.
119. Id.; to appoint commissioners of accounts.
130. Id.; proclamation as to holding courts in case of pestilence, etc.
121. Id.; police power as to pawnbrokers.
133. Id.; removal, by governor.
133, Municipal civil service; mayor to appoint commissioners.
134. Regulations.
125. Authority and duty of commissioners.
136. Warrants for payment of salary; when not to be issued.
137. Veterans.
128. Bureau of municipal statistics.
139. Bureau; how constituted.
130. Chief of bureau to be appointed by the mayor.
131. Municipal statistical commission; how constituted.
132. Meetings of couimission; quorum.
133. Place of meeting.
134. Compensation of chief of bureau and his assistants, and of the
135. Powers and duties of the commission.
136. Powers and duties of chief of bureau.
187. Publication of statistics.
138. Limitation of expense of maintaining the bureau of municipal
Mayor; duties of.
§ 115. It shall be the duty of the mayor:
1. To communicate to the municipal assembly, at least once in
each year, a general statement of the finances, government, and
improvements of the city.
2. To recommend to the municipal assembly all such measures
as he shall deem expedient.
3. To keep himself informed of the doings of the several
4. To be vigilant and active in causing the ordinances of the
city, and laws of the state to be executed and enforced, and for
that purpose he may call together for consultation and co-opera¬
tion any or all of the heads of departments.