Title I. The comptroller.
2. The bonds and obligations of the city.
3. The chamberlain.
4. The sinking funds.
5. Appropriations and the board of estimate and
6. Levying taxes.
the comptroller.
Sec. 149. General duties ; settlement of claims; assent to cei'tain contracts
required ; election ; salary.
150. To appoint deputy comptroller.
151, Bureaus of the finance department.
153, Appointment and bond of receiver of taxes and collector of assess¬
ments and arrears.
153. Renewal of bond.
154. Accounts of receiver and collector and their deputies to be examined.
155. Receiver of taxes and collector of assessments and arrears ; where
to keep offices.
156. Receiver of taxes and collector of assessments and arrears may
appoint deputies.
157. Where taxes, assessments and arrears are due and payable.
158. Bond of receiver and collector to be filed.
159. Assessment-lists to be filed.
160. Comptroller to appoint clerks and assistants.
161. Publication of financial statement.
163. Application of certain moneys.
163. Dedication of certain lands for markets.
General duties; settlement of claims; assent to certain contracts
required; election; salary.
§ 149. The finance department shall have control of the fiscal
concerns of the corporation. All accounts rendered to or kept
in the other departments shall be subject to the inspection and
revision of the officers of this department. It shall prescribe