eoeough officees, local boaeds and local improvements.
Title i. Borough officers.
2. Local boards.
3. Local improvements.
borough officers.
Sec 382. President; qualifications, term, election, salary.
383. President; powers and duties.
384. President to call meetings o.£ local board.
385. Halls or buildings to be located in each borougli.
President; qualifications, term, election, salary.
§ 382. There shall be a president of each borough, who must be
a resident thereof at the time of his election and remain a resident
thereof throughout his term of ofhce. The president and his suc¬
cessors shall be elected by the electors of the borough at all the
elections whereat the mayors of The City of New York are respec¬
tively to be elected. The president shall hold his office for a term
of four years, commencing at noon on the first day of Januar}'' next
after his election. The salary of the presidents of the boroughs of
Manhattan, of The Bronx and of Brooklyn, respectively, shall be
five thousand doUars a year, and the salary of the presidents of the
boroughs of Queens and of Richmond, respectively, shall be three
thousand dollars a year. A president of a borough may be removed
by the mayor on charges, subject to the approval of the governor of
the State of New York. Any vacancy in the ofhce of president
caused by removal from the borough, or otherwise, shall be filled
for the unexpired term by an election to such vacancy made by a
majority vote of all the members of the municipal assembly then in
office representing said borough, and in case of any such vacancy It
shall be the duty of the mayor forthwith to call such members in
session for such an election and to preside thereat; but he shall not
vote unless his vote be necessary to decide the election. In case of