CHAPTER XL department oe parks. Title i. The parks of the city. 2. The art commission. TITLE I. THE PARKS. ■ See. 607. Administrative jurisdiction; board; president; salaries; branch offices. 608. Titles to parks, squares and public places. 609. Gifts of real and personal property. 610. General powers of the board; ordinances. 611. Landscape architect; appointment and duties. 612. General powers of commissioners as to the management of th© parks. 613. Maintenance and management of buildings in parks. 614. Appointment of subordinate officers. 615. Permits to buildings for fire apparatus. 616. General powers of commissioners under former acts. 617. Accounts; annual estimates; expenditures. 618. Advertisements for supplies. 619. Batterj' place; boat landings. 620. Harlem river improvement. 621. Metropolitan museum of art. 622. American museum of natural history. 633. New York public library. 624. Brooklyn institute of arts and sciences. 625. New York botanical garden, 626. New York zoological garden. 627. Military encampments and evolutions; public fairs. Administrative jurisdiction; board; president; salaries; branch offices. § 607. The head of the department of parks shaU be called the park board. Said board shall consist of three members who shall be known as commissioners of parks of The City of New York. They shall be appointed by the mayor and shall hold their respective offices as provided in chapter four of this act. One of said commis¬ sioners shall be the president of the board, and shall be so designated