The Greater New York Charter as enacted in 1897

(Albany :  Weed-Parsons,  c1897.)



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department of buildings.

Sec. 644.   Appointment   of   commissioners;    qualifications;   jurisdiction;

645.  Rules and reg-ulations.

646.  General powers of commissioners under existing laws,

647.  Continuation and repeal of existing- laws;  building- code.

648.  Duties of commissioners; appointineut aud removal of subordi¬


649.  Decisions of commissioners; appeals.

650.  Power to vary the provisions of law.

651.  Accounts; annua] estimates; expenditures,

652.  Record of applications.

Appointment of commissioners; qualifications; jurisdiction; salaries.

§ 644. The head of the department of buildings shall be called the
board of buildings. Said board shall consist of three members to
be known as commissioners of buildings. They shall be appointed
by the mayor and shall hold their respective offices as provided In
chapter four of this act. Each of said commissioners shall be a com¬
petent architect or builder of at least ten years' experience. One of
said commissioners shall be the president of the board, and shall be
so designated by the mayor. In appointing such commissioners
the mayor shall specify the borough or boroughs in which they are
respectively to have administrative jurisdiction, to wit: one in the
boroughs of Manhattan and The Bronx; one in the borough of
Brooklyn; and one in the boroughs of Queens and Richmond. The
principal office of the department of buildings shall be In the bor¬
ough of Manhattan. There shall be a branch office in the borough
of Brooklyn, and a branch office may be established in any of the
other boroughs, in the discretion of the board. The salary of the
commissioner of buildings for the boroughs of Manhattan and The
Bronx, and the salary of the commissioner of buildings for the bor¬
ough of Brooklyn, shall in each case be seven thousand dollars
a year. The salary of the commissioner of buildings for the bor¬
oughs of Queens and Richmond shall be three thousand five hun¬
dred dollars a year.
See § 102, ante.
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