Sec. 694. Jurisdiction; salary; regulations; subordinate officers.
695. Institutions under the jurisdiction of the commissioner.
696. Transfer of inmates to Eiker's Island and Hart's Island.
697. Powers of commissioner over criminals and misdemeanants.
698. Classification of criminals and misdemeanants; instruction.
699. Record of inmates of institutions.
700. Employment of inmates; articles manufactured; cultivation of
701. Detail of inmates to work in department of public charities.
702. Hours of labor; discipline.
703. Accounts; annual estimate; expenditures.
704. Advertisements for supplies.
705. Requisitions and reports of subordinate officers.
706. Collection of fines.
707. Commitment of disorderly persons and vagrants.
708. Superintendent of the workhouse; reports.
709. Eecord of persons committed.
710. Term of detention to be fixed by commissioner.
711. Discharge of persons committed.
713. Transfer of inmates by commissioner.
713. Alteration and repair of buildings.
714. Additional gifts to be given to inmates on discharge.
Jurisdiction; salary; regulations; subordinate officers.
§ 694. The head of the department of' correction shall be called
the commissioner of correction. He shall be appointed by the
mayor and shall hold office, as provided in chapter four of this act.
His salary shall be seven thousand five hundred dollars a year. The
-commissioner shall have power to establish rules and regulations
■for the administration of the department and the government of the
institutions under his control. He shall have full and exclusive
jurisdiction over the several institutions hereinafter specified which
.are situated or may hereafter be established within The City of New
York, as constituted by this act. He shall have his principal office
in. the borough of Manhattan and a branch office in the borough of
Brooklyn. He may establish such other branch offices as he may
<leem necessary. He shall have power to appoint and at
will to remove a deputy and such additional deputies and