Title i. Department of docks and ferries.
2. Piers, slips and wharfage.
3. General provisions.
department of docks and ferries.
Sec. 816. Board of docks, commissioners, appointment, term of office,,
president and salaries.
817. Extension of jurisdiction to new territory.
818. Jurisdiction, powers and duties.
819. Plans for water fronts.
820. Surveys of water front.
821. Construction of piers and docks regulated.
822. Purchase of wharf property for corporation; proceedings to
823. Acquirement of certain wharf property on North and East
824. Acquirement of wharf property in which city has some interest.
825. Wharfag-e and dockage charges; leasing property; oyster busi¬
ness; designation of water front for.
826. Perries; leasing of.
827. To establish rules for government; penalties.
828. Offices and officers; duties and salaries.
829. Annual report; contents.
8;J0. Seal.
831. Lands under water owned by state.
832. May deepen water adjoining wharf, etc.
833. Property and wharf property defined.
834. Sites for floating baths.
835. Public markets and wharves.
836. Docks to be set apart for street cleaning department and board
of health.
837. Setting apart piers for recreation.
838. Water front to be set apart for use of fire department.
Board of docks, commissioners, appointment, term of office, president
and salaries.
§ 816. The head of the department of docks and ferries shall be
called the board of docks. The board of docks shall consist of