Sec. 1435. Procedure for acquirement of lands and interests therein.
1436. Maps to be prepared; entry on premises for examination
1437. Appointment and duties of commissioners of estimate.
1438. Reports of commissioners of estimate; presentation thereof to
the court;, when title to vest in city.
1439. "When title may be vested by resolution.
1440. Notice of deposit and presentation of report; payment of'
awards with interest.
1441. Owners unknown, infants, or of unsound mind.
1442. Appeal.
1443. Removal, etc., of commissioners of estimate.
1444. Powers of commissioners and of a majority thereof; fees, ex¬
1445. Amendments of defects.
1446. Corporation counsel to appear and protect interests of the city..
1447. Source of payment of awards and expenses.
1448. What proceedings excepted from provisions of this chapter.
Procedure for acquirement of lands and interests therein.
§ 1435. Whenever The City of New York, or any of the depart¬
ments, including the department of education, or boards of the
said city government, shall be authorized by law to acquire title tO'
real estate or any tenements, hereditaments, corporeal or incorpo¬
real rights in the same, for any public use or purpose by condem¬
nation, the proceeding for that purpose shall be taken and conducted
in the manner prescribed in this title, except as provided in section
fourteen hundred and forty-eight of this act.
Maps to be prepared; entry on prem.ises for examination thereof.
§ 1436. When any such lands have been selected, and the said
department or board has determined to take proceedings for the
acquisition of the same, said department or board shall cause two
similar surveys, maps, or plans thereof to be prepared, one of
which shall be filed in the office of the said department or board,
andthe other of which shall be filed in the office of the register or
county clerk of the county in which the lands are situated; and it