general statutes.
Title i. The streets.
2. Amusements.
3. Birds.
4. Commercial paper during epidemic.
5. Pharmacists and druggists.
6. Board OF city record.
7. General provisions.
8. Coroners.
the streets.
Sec. 1454. Municipal assembly to reg-ulate driving, etc.
1455. Law of the road.
1456. Rubbish, nails, etc., not to be thrown in the streets.
1457. Processions and parades; regulations concerning.
1458. Stages and omnibuses; consent of property owners necessary
before franchise granted.
1459. Id.; application to mayor, etc., before route established.
1460. Id.; stage route to be disposed of like other franchises.
1461. Id.; not to be run except in conformity with preceding- sec¬
1462. Wilfully breaking street lamps, etc.
1463. Id.; detaining offender until name ascertained.
1464. Id.; preceding sections no bar to suit by person injured.
1465. Id.; informer relieved of penalty, etc.
1466. Definition of " street." ,
Municipal assembly to regulate driving, etc.
§ 1454. The municipal assembly is hereby authorized and em¬
powered to pass ordinances regulating the rate of speed at which
horses shall be driven or ridden, and at which vehicles shall be
propelled through any street, within The City of New York, and to
pass ordinances regulating the use of the streets. In said city, by
foot-passengers, vehicles and animals. Any person violating any
ordinance so passed shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and