Whereas, upon mature deliberation and advice, I have found it
necessary to discharge the form of government late in practice within
this his Majesty's town of New York, under the name and style of
Schout, Burgomasters, and Schepens, which are not known or custom¬
ary in any of his Majesty's dominions.— To the end that the course of
justice for the future, may be legally, equally and impartially admin¬
istered to ail his Majesty's subjects, as well inhabitants as strangers.—■
Know all men by these presents, that I, Richard Nicolls, Deputy Gov¬
ernor to his Royal Highness, the Duke of York, by virtue of his Majesty's
letters patent, bearing date the 12th day of March, in the sixteenth
year of his Majesty's reign, do ordain, constitute and declare, that the
inhabitants of New York, New Harlem, and all other his Majesty's sub¬
jects, inhabitants upon this island, commonly called and known by the
name of Manhattan Island, are and shall be forever accounted, nominated
and established, as one body politic and corporate, under the government
of a Mayor, Aldermen and Sheriff; and I do by these presents constitute
and appoint, for one whole year, commencing from the date hereof,
and ending the 12th day of June, which shall be in the year of our Lord,
1666; Mr. Thomas Willet to be Mayor, Mr, Thomas De La Vail, Mr. Olaffe
-Stevenson, Mr. John Brugges, Mr. Cornelius Van Ruyven and Mr, John
Lawrence to be Aldermen; and Mr, AUard Anthony to be Sheriff; giv¬
ing and granting to them, the said Mayor and Aldermen, or any four of
them, whereof the said Mayor or his Deputy shall be always one, and
upon equal division of voices, to have always the casting and decisive
voice, full power and authority to rule and govern as well all the in¬
habitants of this Corporation as any strangers, according to the general
laws of this government, and such peculiar laws as are or shall be
thought convenient or necessary for the good and welfare of this his
Majesty's Corporation; as also to appoint such under officers as they
shall judge necessary for the ordinary execution of justice. And I do
hereby strictly charge and command all persons to obey and execute,
from time to time, all such warrants, orders and constitutions as shall
*A charter was granted to the city by the Dutch Government on February 2,
1657. which is on file in the Secretary of State's office. See Kent's City Charters,
p, 107; Hoffman's Estate and Rights of Corporation of New York, vol. i, p. l8.