Avery Architectural and Fine Arts Library

Series II: Project Drawings

Earle C. Anthony House (Los Angeles, Calif.). Garage. Alterations   Earle C. Anthony Automobile Showroom (Los Angeles, Calif.)

Earle C. Anthony House (Los Angeles, Calif.) Garage. Addition
Addition to garage for Mr. Earle C. Anthony, Los Angeles, Cal. / Greene & Greene, Architects. 1917 8 sheets various media 53 x 55.7 cm. (20 7/8 x 22 in.) or smaller

Date from inventory.
Job no. 374.
"The house was moved from its original location at 666 S. Berendo Street , Los Angeles, in 1923 [to] 910 N. Bedford Drive, Beverly Hills" -- Greene & Greene, architecture as a fine art, by Randell L. Makinson, Salt Lake City, Peregrine Smith, 1977. p 184. It is unclear whether the garage was also moved.
Scale 1/4"=1', 3/4"=1' or 1 1/2"=1'.
This set consists of 4 pencil drawings on tracing paper, 2 blueprints on paper, 1 pencil and crayon drawing on tracing paper, and 1 blueprint with crayon on paper.

Index Terms
Subjects: 1. Houses. 2. Garages. 3. Additions. 4. Bathrooms. Geographic Names: 1. Los Angeles (Calif.) 2. Beverly Hills (Calif.) Genre/Media: 1. Elevations. 2. Floor plans. 3. Detail drawings. 4. Sketches. 5. Orthographic drawings. 6. Pencil drawings. 7. Blueprints. 8. Crayon drawings. Associated Names: 1. Anthony, Earle C.

List of Drawings (View All Thumbnails)

1. NYDA.1960.001.00191. West elevation, second floor plan : Sheet no. 1 JPEG | Zoom

2. NYDA.1960.001.00192. West elevation, second floor plan : Sheet no. 1 "Set no. II". JPEG | Zoom

3. NYDA.1960.001.00193. North elevation, [transverse] section A-A, details of construction about I beam, [detail drawings of] flower boxes [and] door jamb (inside) : Sheet 2 JPEG | Zoom

4. NYDA.1960.001.00194. North elevation, [transverse] section A-A, details of construction about I beam, [detail drawings of] flower boxes [and] door jamb (inside) : Sheet 2 JPEG | Zoom

5. NYDA.1960.001.00195. Bathroom addition to bedroom no. 1 [in garage] -- south elevation, west [elevation], plan, section A-A, [elevation of doors of] closet : Sheet no. 3 JPEG | Zoom

6. NYDA.1960.001.00196. Bathroom addition to bedroom no. 1 [in garage] -- south elevation, west [elevation], plan, section A-A, [elevation of doors to] closet : Sheet no. 3 JPEG | Zoom

7. NYDA.1960.001.00197. [Bathroom addition -- sketch of south elevation and section A-A] JPEG | Zoom

8. NYDA.1960.001.00198. Bathroom addition to bedroom no. 1 -- south elevation, west [elevation], plan, alternative paln "Approved". JPEG | Zoom

Earle C. Anthony House (Los Angeles, Calif.). Garage. Alterations   Earle C. Anthony Automobile Showroom (Los Angeles, Calif.)