Avery Architectural and Fine Arts Library

Series II: Project Drawings

Earle C. Anthony Automobile Showroom (Los Angeles, Calif.)   Philip L. Auten House (Pasadena, Calif.)

Earle C. Anthony Automobile Showroom (Los Angeles, Calif.). Interior, Entrance and Exterior Details
Show room, service building for Earle C. Anthony, Esq., Los Angeles, Calif. : / Greene & Greene, Architects. 1911 15 drawings various media ;c76 x 104.1 cm. (30 x 41 in.) or smaller

Date from inventory.
Forms part of the Greene & Greene colection of architectural drawings ; job no. 274.
Scale varies.
This set consists of 12 ink drawings on cloth (most with pencil markings), 2 pencil drawimgs on tracing paper, and 1 pencil and ink drawing on tracing paper.
"Earle C. Anthony turned to the large architectural firm of Parkinson and Bergstrom for the design of the basic structure of his grand automobile showroom in downtown Los Angeles, but also commissioned Greene & Greene to design the building's detail, entrance and interiors" -- Greene & Greene, architecture as a fine art, by Randell L. Makinson, Salt Lake City, Peregrine Smith, 1977. p. 202.

Index Terms
Subjects: 1. Automobile showrooms. 2. Entrances. 3. Columns. 4. Pilasters. 5. Canopies. 6. Showrooms. 7. Earle C. Anthony automobile showroom (Los Angeles, Calif.) Geographic Names: 1. Los Angeles (Calif.) Genre/Media: 1. Reflected ceiling plans. 2. Detail drawings. 3. Interior elevations. 4. Orthographic drawings. 5. Ink drawings. 6. Pencil drawings. Associated Names: 1. Anthony, Earle C.

List of Drawings (View All Thumbnails)

1. NYDA.1960.001.00207. First floor plan [with tiling pattern in one corner] : Sheet no. 7 JPEG | Zoom

2. NYDA.1960.001.00208. Tile detail of floor, show room, [plan] : 1 JPEG | Zoom

3. NYDA.1960.001.00209. Second floor plan, elevations and sections [of] first floor [and] second floor : Sheet no. 8 JPEG | Zoom

4. NYDA.1960.001.00210. East elevation cols. 12 and 17, north elevation showing cols. 12 and 13 : Sheet no. 9 JPEG | Zoom

5. NYDA.1960.001.00211. West elevation [of] office no. 2, north elevation [of] office no. 2 [and] office no. 1, F[ull] s[cale] d[etail] of inlay in top rail, F.S. details [in sections], F.S. detail of inlay, F.S. detail of inlay in panels ; 3/4" scale detail of cashier's cases and counter -- part interior [elevation], part exterior [elevation], section, F.S. detail of bracket ; screen -- section, plan of small bar, part elev. of intermediete rail : Sheet no. 10 JPEG | Zoom

6. NYDA.1960.001.00212. 1/4" & 3" scale details of marquee -- ornament on rod, elevation and section of bracket H, section[s] A-A [and] B-B [and] C-C [and] D-D, plan and section showing corner piece for holding suspended lights, [elevation with sections of rosettes and fringe at bottom of marquee], sectional elevation of side showing interior, half front elevation of exterior, half front elevation of interior, half plan looking down, half plan looking up, side elevation showing exterior, plan [and] elevation of front entrance & doors : Sheet no. 12 JPEG | Zoom

7. NYDA.1960.001.00213. Stairway details -- plan [at] second floor, plan [at] first floor, section on line A-A, section thro' landing, inside elevation of string, plan of backs of risers, north elevation, west elevation, south elevation, elev. of inside string as it would appear if straightened out in plan : Sheet no. 14 JPEG | Zoom

8. NYDA.1960.001.00214. 3/4" scale details of finish around columns -- plan of ceiling, side elevation of pilaster, elevation of column, section of concrete slab, section of side pilaster at base, section of column at base, section of front pilaster at base : Sheet no. 16A "Sheet no. 16 is incorrect & should be destroyed". JPEG | Zoom

9. NYDA.1960.001.00215. Plan [and] front elevation of elevator doors for 1st & 2nd floors, F[ull] s[cale] plan of edge of doors ; details of sliding doors between showroom & rear -- plan, elevation, section, typical F.S. sections :nSheet no. 20 JPEG | Zoom

10. NYDA.1960.001.00216. [Elevation of] elevator cage -- front, rear, side : Sheet no. 21 JPEG | Zoom

11. NYDA.1960.001.00217. 3/4" scale details of capitals & beams for columns & pilasters -- ceiling plan of side pilasters, ceiling plan of columns, side elevation of side pilasters, elevation of columns, ceiling plan of front pilasters, ceiling plan of corner pilasters, side elev. of front pilasters, front elev. of all pilasters, side elevation of corner pilasters : Sheet no. 31 drawn by H.B. JPEG | Zoom

12. NYDA.1960.001.00218. Show room -- floor plan showing ceiling above : Sheet no. 32 drawn by L.H.L., H.B., L.W.C. JPEG | Zoom

13. NYDA.1960.001.00219. 3/4" scale detail of insert -- elevation of column, plan looking up, sect'n of concrete slab : Sheet no. 37 "Note -- this figure is correct and supersedes all figures on previous drawings". made by L.W.C. JPEG | Zoom

14. NYDA.1960.001.00220. [Show room] -- north elevation, plan of corner pilaster, plan of side pilaster, west elevation, plan of front pilaster : Sheet no. 39 drawn by L.W.C. JPEG | Zoom

15. NYDA.1960.001.00221. [Show room] -- south elevation : Sheet no. 40 drawn by L.W.C. JPEG | Zoom

Earle C. Anthony Automobile Showroom (Los Angeles, Calif.)   Philip L. Auten House (Pasadena, Calif.)