Avery Architectural and Fine Arts Library

Series II: Project Drawings

Pasadena Ice Company Plant (Pasadena, Calif.). Office Building. Alterations   Pasadena Ice Company Plant (Pasadena, Calif.). East Freezing Room. Addition

Pasadena Ice Company Plant (Pasadena, Calif.). Ice-House. Addition
Addition to ice house for Pasadena Ice Co. at Pasadena, Cal. / Greene & Greene, Architects. 1911 6 sheets various media 70.9 x 90.9 cm. (28 x 35 7/8 in.) or smaller

Scale varies.
Job no. 288.
This set consists of 3 ink drawings on cloth, 1 blueprint on paper, 1 pencil and crayon drawing on paper, 1 blueprint with crayon markings on paper, and 1 pencil drawing on paper.

Index Terms
Subjects: 1. Ice-houses (Factories). 2. Additions. 3. Pasadena Ice Company plant (Pasadena, Calif.). Ice-house. Geographic Names: 1. Pasadena (Calif.) Genre/Media: 1. Detail drawings. 2. Sketches. 3. Orthographic drawings. 4. Ink drawings. 5. Blueprints. 6. Pencil drawings. 7. Crayon drawings. Associated Names: 1. Schulz, J. 2. Pasadena Ice Company. 3. Madison Cooper Company.

List of Drawings (View All Thumbnails)

1. NYDA.1960.001.02865. South elevation : Sheet no. 1 JPEG | Zoom

2. NYDA.1960.001.02866R. South elevation : Sheet no. 1 JPEG | Zoom

3. NYDA.1960.001.02866V. [Unidentified sketches, with calculations] JPEG | Zoom

4. NYDA.1960.001.02867. Plan, transverse section : 1 Nov. 16, 1911. "Order 190, WHP". Madison Cooper Company, Refrigerting Engineers & Architects, Calcium, New York, JPEG | Zoom

5. NYDA.1960.001.02868. Transverse section, foundation plan [with details in sections, elevation showing brick and iron work], roof plan [with details in sections] Revised Dec. 15th, 1911. Greene & Greene, Architects ; J. Schulz, Engineer, JPEG | Zoom

6. NYDA.1960.001.02869. Insulation details -- plan, section " 2 Nov. 15, 1911. "Order 190, W.H.P.". Madison Cooper Company, JPEG | Zoom

7. NYDA.1960.001.02870. [Plan of] east [and] south wall[s], section[s through waslls showing foundations] "Note -- all door openings 4'-6" x 7'-0", heads arched. Character of earth is black adobe at bottom of footing". JPEG | Zoom

Pasadena Ice Company Plant (Pasadena, Calif.). Office Building. Alterations   Pasadena Ice Company Plant (Pasadena, Calif.). East Freezing Room. Addition