Avery Architectural and Fine Arts Library

Series II: Project Drawings

All Saints Episcopal Church (Pasadena, Calif.)   Mrs. Dudley P. Allen House, 1188 Hillcrest Avenue (Pasadena, Calif.). Alterations.

All Saints Episcopal Church (Pasadena, Calif.). Alterations
Alterations of All saints church, Pasadena, Cal. : / Greene & Greene, Arch'ts. 1902-1903 57 sheets :bvarious media 86.4 x 106.8 cm. (34 x 42 1/8 in) or smaller

Scale varies.
Job no. 103.
Original church designed by Ernest A. Coxhead, ca. 1889.
Inventory has 1903 as date for set.
This set consists of 20 pencil drawings on tracing paper, 18 blueprints on paper, 4 pencil drawings on paper, 3 ink drawings on tracing paper, 2 ink drawings on cloth, 2 ink and ink wash drawings on tracing paper, 2 ink drawings with watercolor wash applied to the verso on tracing paper, 1 blueprint with crayon on paper, 1 ink drawing with watercolor wash applied to the verso on cloth, 1 ink drawing with ink wash applied to the verso on tracing paper, 1 pencil and crayon drawing on tracing paper, 1 ink drawing with ink and watercolor wash applied to the verso on cloth, and 1 ink drawing with pencil on cloth.

Index Terms
Subjects: 1. Aisles. 2. Churches. 3. Alterations. 4. Roof trusses. 5. All Saints Episcopal Church (Pasadena, Calif.) Geographic Names: 1. Pasadena (Calif.) Genre/Media: 1. Detail drawings. 2. Heating plans. 3. Orthographic drawings. 4. Sketches. 5. Pencil drawings. 6. Blueprints. 7. Watercolor wash drawings. 8. Ink drawings. 9. Crayon drawings. Associated Names: 1. Coxhead, Ernest A.

List of Drawings (View All Thumbnails)

1. NYDA.1960.001.00016. Foundation plan; [section through fondation of wall] JPEG | Zoom

2. NYDA.1960.001.00017. [Main floor] plan JPEG | Zoom

3. NYDA.1960.001.00018. South elevation JPEG | Zoom

4. NYDA.1960.001.00019. North elevation JPEG | Zoom

5. NYDA.1960.001.00020. [Longitudinal] section on line A-A JPEG | Zoom

6. NYDA.1960.001.00021. [Foundation plan] Encapsulated in mylar. JPEG | Zoom

7. NYDA.1960.001.00022. [Heating planof basement] Encapsulated in mylar. JPEG | Zoom

8. NYDA.1960.001.00023. [Main floor plan with heating? system drawn in] JPEG | Zoom

9. NYDA.1960.001.00024. [Main floor plan] Encapsulated in mylar. JPEG | Zoom

10. NYDA.1960.001.00025. Seat chart [before alteration, in plan] JPEG | Zoom

11. NYDA.1960.001.00026. Seat chart [before alteration; in plan] JPEG | Zoom

12. NYDA.1960.001.00027. Seat chart [before alteration, plan] June 20th, 1902. Tag attached with no.- "103". JPEG | Zoom

13. NYDA.1960.001.00028. [Main floor plan before alteration] Encapsulated in mylar. JPEG | Zoom

14. NYDA.1960.001.00029. Foundation plan [of vestibule end of church ; two sections through foundation] : No.1 JPEG | Zoom

15. NYDA.1960.001.00030. Foundation plan [of vestibule end of church ; two sections through foundation] : No.1 JPEG | Zoom

16. NYDA.1960.001.00031. Foundation plan [of vestibule end of church ; two sections trough foundation] : No.1 JPEG | Zoom

17. NYDA.1960.001.00032. Foundation plan [of vestibule end of church ; two sections through foundation] : No.1 JPEG | Zoom

18. NYDA.1960.001.00033. Plan [of vestibule end of main floor after aleration] JPEG | Zoom

19. NYDA.1960.001.00034. [Plan of vestibule end of main floor before alteration] JPEG | Zoom

20. NYDA.1960.001.00035. Plan [of vestibule end showing old and new work] ; section thro' aisle ; elevation of truss in N[orth] aisle looking west, section thro' truss on line A-B : No.2 "Similar truss for S[outh] aisle". JPEG | Zoom

21. NYDA.1960.001.00036. Plan [of vestibule end showing old and new work] ; section thro's aisle ; elevation of truss in N[orth aisle looking west, section thro' truss on line A-B : No. 2 "Similar truss for S[outh] aisle". JPEG | Zoom

22. NYDA.1960.001.00037. Plan [of vestibule end showing old and new work] ; section thro' aisle ; elevation of truss in N[orth] aisle looking est, section thro' truss on line A-B : No.2 "Similiar truss for S[outh] aisle". JPEG | Zoom

23. NYDA.1960.001.00038. Plan [of vestibule end showing old and new work] ; section thro' aisle ; elevation of truss in N[orth] aisle looking wast, section thro' truss on line A-B : No.2 "Similiar truss for S[outh] aisle". JPEG | Zoom

24. NYDA.1960.001.00039. West elevation JPEG | Zoom

25. NYDA.1960.001.00040. West elevation : No.3 JPEG | Zoom

26. NYDA.1960.001.00041. West elevation : No.3 JPEG | Zoom

27. NYDA.1960.001.00042. West elevation : No.3 JPEG | Zoom

28. NYDA.1960.001.00043. West elevation : No.3 JPEG | Zoom

29. NYDA.1960.001.00044. South elevation JPEG | Zoom

30. NYDA.1960.001.00045. South elevation : No.4 JPEG | Zoom

31. NYDA.1960.001.00046. South elevation : No.4 JPEG | Zoom

32. NYDA.1960.001.00047. South elevation : No.4 JPEG | Zoom

33. NYDA.1960.001.00048. South elevation : No. 4 JPEG | Zoom

34. NYDA.1960.001.00049. North elevation JPEG | Zoom

35. NYDA.1960.001.00050. North elevation : No. 5 JPEG | Zoom

36. NYDA.1960.001.00051. North elevation : N0. 5 JPEG | Zoom

37. NYDA.1960.001.00052. North elevation : No. 5 JPEG | Zoom

38. NYDA.1960.001.00053. North elevation : No. 5 JPEG | Zoom

39. NYDA.1960.001.00054. [Transverse] section B-B JPEG | Zoom

40. NYDA.1960.001.00055. [Transverse section] JPEG | Zoom

41. NYDA.1960.001.00056. [Transverse section] Includes slight pencil and crayon markings. JPEG | Zoom

42. NYDA.1960.001.00057. [Part of transverse section showing foor structure of aisle] JPEG | Zoom

43. NYDA.1960.001.00058. Cross section [with aisles highlighted] JPEG | Zoom

44. NYDA.1960.001.00059. [Transverse section through altar area] JPEG | Zoom

45. NYDA.1960.001.00060. Longitudinal section JPEG | Zoom

46. NYDA.1960.001.00061. Longitudianl section through entrance and vestibule half of church] JPEG | Zoom

47. NYDA.1960.001.00062. Section on line B-B looking south JPEG | Zoom

48. NYDA.1960.001.00063. [Longitudinal section through vestibule end of aisle] JPEG | Zoom

49. NYDA.1960.001.00064. [Sections showing roof and wall structres for aisles] JPEG | Zoom

50. NYDA.1960.001.00065. Sketch showing proposed change of the west memorial window to position over alter in chance -- plan, section, elevation[s] Encapsulated in mylar. JPEG | Zoom

51. NYDA.1960.001.00066. Plans showing proposed chnage of the Cravens memorial window -- plan, section, elevation looking east (interior), west elevation JPEG | Zoom

52. NYDA.1960.001.00067. Plans showing change of the Cravens memorial window -- plan, section, elevation looking east (interior), west elevation JPEG | Zoom

53. NYDA.1960.001.00068. Plans showing change of the Cravens memorial window -- plan, section, elevation looking east (interior), west elevation JPEG | Zoom

54. NYDA.1960.001.00069. Alteration of the organ chambers -- view [of elevation] showing new arch (new work shaded), view [of elevation] showing change of arch and panels over ambulatory, plan [of] organ chamber Extensive "list of chnges" on drawing done on verso to show through, highlights and changes done on recto. JPEG | Zoom

55. NYDA.1960.001.00070. Detail of arch JPEG | Zoom

56. NYDA.1960.001.00071. [Unidentified rough sketches] JPEG | Zoom

57. NYDA.1960.001.00072. [Unidentified very rough sketch, with calculations] JPEG | Zoom

All Saints Episcopal Church (Pasadena, Calif.)   Mrs. Dudley P. Allen House, 1188 Hillcrest Avenue (Pasadena, Calif.). Alterations.