Avery Architectural and Fine Arts Library

Series II: Project Drawings

Kinney-Kendall Building (Pasadena, Calif.). Alterations   Hubert F. Krantz House (Palm Beach, Fla.)

T.A. Kramer House (South Pasadena, Calif.). Alterations and Garden
Addition to residence for T.A. Kramer Esq., South Pasadena, Cal. : [and] garden / Greene & Greene, Architects. 1917-1918 54 sheets various media 83.9 x 91 cm (33 1/8 x 35 7/8 in.) or smaller

Date partially from inventory.
Job no. 380.
Most of the drawings in this set are encapsulated in mylar.Many of them sustained severe damage prior to encapsulation.
This set consists of 25 pencil drawings on tracing paper, 7 pencil drawings on paper, 5 blueprints with pencil and crayon markings on paper, 5 ink and pencil drawings on tracing paper, 3 blueprints with pencil markings on paper, 3 pencil and crayon drawings on tracing paper, 2 pencil drawings with ink markings on tracing paper, 2 ink and ink wash and pencil drawings on tracing paper, 2 blueprints on paper, 1 ink drawing with pencil markings on tracing paper, 1 ink drawing on cloth, 1 sepia print on paper, and 1 blueline print with pencil and crayon on paper.

Index Terms
Subjects: 1. Houses. 2. Pergolas. 3. Garden structures. 4. Alterations. 5. Gardens. 6. Additions. 7. Garages. 8. Swimming pools. 9. T.A. Kramer house (South Pasadena, Calif.) Geographic Names: 1. South Pasadena (Calif.) Genre/Media: 1. Detail drawings. 2. Sketches. 3. Site plans. 4. Planting plans. 5. Orthographic drawings. 6. Topographic maps. 7. Pencil drawings. 8. Blueprints. 9. Ink drawings. 10. Crayon drawings. 11. Ink wash drawings. 12. Sepia prints. 13. Blueline prints. Associated Names: 1. Mote, M. 2. Day, Clarence P. 3. Rust, Edward H. 4. Althouse Bros. Real Estate. 5. Western Blind & Screen Co.

List of Drawings (View All Thumbnails)

1. NYDA.1960.001.02194. Foundation plan ; section[s] -- 12" wall, piers, 9" wall, porch wall JPEG | Zoom

2. NYDA.1960.001.02195R. First floor plan JPEG | Zoom

3. NYDA.1960.001.02195V. [Unidentified sketches] Includes list of measurements for panels. JPEG | Zoom

4. NYDA.1960.001.02196. Second floor plan JPEG | Zoom

5. NYDA.1960.001.02197. [Third floor plan] JPEG | Zoom

6. NYDA.1960.001.02198. Front elevation "Althouse Bros., N.W. cor. Spruce & Milan". JPEG | Zoom

7. NYDA.1960.001.02199. Right elevation JPEG | Zoom

8. NYDA.1960.001.02200. Rear elevation JPEG | Zoom

9. NYDA.1960.001.02201. Side elevation JPEG | Zoom

10. NYDA.1960.001.02202. Details [in sections] of [(portion missing)]ce roll screen [for] casement windows manufactured by Western Blind & Screen Co. JPEG | Zoom

11. NYDA.1960.001.02203. Foundation pla[n ; details in sections], plan, [and] eleva[tion] : Sheet no. 1 JPEG | Zoom

12. NYDA.1960.001.02204. F[irs]t floor plan ; chimney detail [in section] : Sheet no. 2 "New work [show]n in plain lines, old work [show]n in dim lines". JPEG | Zoom

13. NYDA.1960.001.02205. Second floor plan ; second fl. interior deta[ils] -- case in closet off dressing rm., clos[et] off bedroom, med[icine] case in dressing rm., side of sleeping porch, towel case in bathr'm : Sheet no. 3 "New work shown in plain lines, old work shown in dim lines". JPEG | Zoom

14. NYDA.1960.001.02206. Eas[t] elevation : Sheet no. 4 "New work shown [in pl]ain lines, old work shown [in dim] lines". JPEG | Zoom

15. NYDA.1960.001.02207. North [el]evation : Sheet no. 5 "New work shown in plain lines, old work shown in dim lines". JPEG | Zoom

16. NYDA.1960.001.02208. West elevation : Sheet no. 6 "New work shown in plain lines, old work shown in dim lines". JPEG | Zoom

17. NYDA.1960.001.02209. First [flo]or interior details -- west, south, north, [and] east [elevations of] library ; east side of [gar]den room : Sheet no. 7 "[Ne]w work shown in clear lines, [ol]d work shown in dim lines'. JPEG | Zoom

18. NYDA.1960.001.02210. Garden room d[eta]ils -- north, west [with] side view, south ; chimney details -- plan of fireplace [on] 1st fl., plan of chimney [at] 2nd fl., plan of c[himney] above r[oof, section through] wood box : Sheet no. 8 "See sheet no. 2 for section thru fire box, etc.". JPEG | Zoom

19. NYDA.1960.001.02211. [Full size section through window frame] -- head, meeting, sill : Sheet no. 9 "Note -- sash to be blocked up at bottom to give position at top as shown". JPEG | Zoom

20. NYDA.1960.001.02212. F.S. details of garden room windows -- sill, jamb, head, sash meeting stiles, elevation of inside of head, mullion between north doors and windows : Sheet no. 10 JPEG | Zoom

21. NYDA.1960.001.02213. F.S. details of double-hung windows -- head, jamb, sill : Sheet no. 11 JPEG | Zoom

22. NYDA.1960.001.02214. F.S. detail of chimney stay-rod : Sheet no. 12 JPEG | Zoom

23. NYDA.1960.001.02215. Sketch of glass arrangement for tall bookcase doors ; Sheet no. 13 JPEG | Zoom

24. NYDA.1960.001.02216. [Sketch of glass arrangement for] old doors JPEG | Zoom

25. NYDA.1960.001.02217. Doors betwe[en li]brary and garden room [in full size] section : Sheet no. 14 JPEG | Zoom

26. NYDA.1960.001.02218. F.S. detail[s of be]ams in garden room -- section, side : Sheet no. 15 JPEG | Zoom

27. NYDA.1960.001.02219. [F.]S. details of mantel and bookcases in g[arden ro]om : [Sheet no. 1]6 JPEG | Zoom

28. NYDA.1960.001.02220. [D]etails of dressing-room & shower -- F.S. section of door jamb & corner of partition, F.S. section of outside corner, elevation of south side [with full size detail], section on line A-A, plan : Sheet no. 17 JPEG | Zoom

29. NYDA.1960.001.02221. F.S. detail of gazing globe pedestal : Sheet no. 28 JPEG | Zoom

30. NYDA.1960.001.02222. Full size detail [of andiron] -- front, side : 18 "Wrought iron forged, 1 pair". JPEG | Zoom

31. NYDA.1960.001.02223. [Unidentified rough sketch] On verso -- "Althouse Bros., 1725 Spruce St., So. Pasadena". JPEG | Zoom

32. NYDA.1960.001.02224. [Unidentified stair detail] JPEG | Zoom

33. NYDA.1960.001.02225R. [Unidentified detail sketches] JPEG | Zoom

34. NYDA.1960.001.02225V. [Unidentified detail sketches] Drawing done on paper sign reading "This material furnished by Hammond Lumber Company". JPEG | Zoom

35. NYDA.1960.001.02226R. [Unidentified rough sketches] JPEG | Zoom

36. NYDA.1960.001.02226V. [Unidentified rough sketch] JPEG | Zoom

37. NYDA.1960.001.02227. [Unidentified sketch] JPEG | Zoom

38. NYDA.1960.001.02229. View [of grounds] lookin[g east] JPEG | Zoom

39. NYDA.1960.001.02230. [View of grounds look]ing west "SC2". JPEG | Zoom

40. NYDA.1960.001.02231. Vie[w of grounds loo]king north JPEG | Zoom

41. NYDA.1960.001.02232. [Plan and elevation of garage and clothes yard] JPEG | Zoom

42. NYDA.1960.001.02233. [Plan and elevation of curved garden seat opposite gazing globe] JPEG | Zoom

43. NYDA.1960.001.02234. [Sketches of elevation and details of garden plantings] JPEG | Zoom

44. NYDA.1960.001.02235. [Sketch of plan of flowerbeds between garage and back of house] Drawing done on verso of stationery of "Edward H. Rust, nurseryman". JPEG | Zoom

45. NYDA.1960.001.02236. Topographical map [of] property [showing placement of trees and garden structures] June 22, 1917. "File no. 1572". drawn by M. Mote ; approved [by] Clarence P. Day, JPEG | Zoom

46. NYDA.1960.001.02237. Garden plan : Sheet no. 23 Includes "Planting list". JPEG | Zoom

47. NYDA.1960.001.02238. Garden plan : [Sheet] no. 23 Includes "Planting list". JPEG | Zoom

48. NYDA.1960.001.02239. Planting plan, garden : Sheet no. 23 JPEG | Zoom

49. NYDA.1960.001.02240. Garden plan, scheme no. 1 : Sheet no. 19 JPEG | Zoom

50. NYDA.1960.001.02241. Garden [plan], scheme 2 JPEG | Zoom

51. NYDA.1960.001.02242R. Sprinkler system [plan for grounds] JPEG | Zoom

52. NYDA.1960.001.02242V. [Unidentified rough sketch] JPEG | Zoom

53. NYDA.1960.001.02243. [Plan of] swimming pool [area, from scheme 2 for garden] JPEG | Zoom

54. NYDA.1960.001.02244. [Detail of garden plan showing gazing globe and curved seat] JPEG | Zoom

55. NYDA.1960.001.02245. Pergola details -- plan, side [and] end elevation[s, full size details of] cap [and] base [for supports] : Sheet no. 20 JPEG | Zoom

56. NYDA.1960.001.02246. Paved terrace under oak tree -- plan, side [and] end [elevations], section "A-A", [detail of] pier cap, section thro' step : Sheet no. 23 JPEG | Zoom

57. NYDA.1960.001.02247. [Paved terrace detail sketch] JPEG | Zoom

58. NYDA.1960.001.02248. Details [for] pergola beams -- F.S. rafter cut, [F.]S. cut for large beams : Sheet no. 21 JPEG | Zoom

Kinney-Kendall Building (Pasadena, Calif.). Alterations   Hubert F. Krantz House (Palm Beach, Fla.)