The New Acropolis Museum
Ioannis Mylonopoulos, Angelos Chaniotis, et al.
Wallach Art Gallery, 2009
6 x 9", 116 pp. in 3 parts, 146 illus., 141 in color
ISBN 978-1-884919-24-4, Paper, $20
This publication is largely dedicated to the history, the architectural design and the exhibits of the new Acropolis Museum in Athens, which opened its doors to the public in 2009. It is designed by Bernard Tschumi, a faculty member at Columbia's Graduate School of Architecture, Planning, and Preservation.
Tschumi is also an internationally acclaimed architect, having designed numerous large-scale projects, ranging from the Parc de la Villette in Paris to Columbia's own Alfred Lerner Hall. His design for the Acropolis Museum is based around three concepts: light, movement, and program (the edifice's purpose as an exhibit space). The publication features models of the Acropolis Museum, reproductions of Tschumi's drawings, and photographs of the interior of the museum.