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Inwood Hill Forest Restoration Tanja Crk Contents: II. Historical background of land and species composition information III. Theory and considerations IV. Current Problems V. Plan for restoration and its benefits VI. Timeline, budget, amount of work needed for restoration plan I. Abstract The restoration plan proposed
herein will focus on the central II. Historical Background of land and species composition information After going
through many phases in its history, During the
American Revolution, the vegetation of In addition to
residential development, the In
addition to anthropogenic disturbances,
natural disasters have hit In the 1930’s
the WPA (presumably the Works Progress Administration) created ‘nature
in the park and in the 1960’s the Parks Commissioner, August Heckscher,
iron lamps along the paths and some remain today to stand as ‘accent
along the old trails (Bresham 1990). Some parts of the park were not
at the site such as the land extension into the Hudson River in the
and the lagoon to the east, built from 1930 to 1942, as well as, riprap
installed and other erosion control measures performed from the mid
1970’s to
1985 (Loeb 1986). The city acquired land in 1924 (lawn site), 1936
(land under Figure 1.
The Typa
and Spartina communities were destroyed in
the lagoon area since the
1930’s and early 1940’s (Loeb 1986). In general, the salt marshes
receive lots
of human induced disturbances (Loeb 1986) and restoration projects in
the past
have been both successes and failures. For example, Chenopodium
rubrum and Xanthium
echinatum seed transplantations
to marsh 1, and Myrica pensylvanica
and Asclepias incarnate to marshes
3-4 from a source location in The vegetation
types are described below, in Table 1, according to dominant and
species presence as well as, for reference, other sites with similar
types; descriptions and lists extracted directly from text in Loeb
(1986). Table
2 is taken from Loeb (1986) as well and lists the tree and shrub
present for each vegetation type. Table 1. Six vegetation types: characteristic species
(Loeb 1986)
Table 2. Six vegetation types: characteristic species’ densities (Loeb 1986) Threats to the
Inwood plant community are spawned from anthropogenic activity.
effects of human and dog walking, which leads to fragmentation,
occasional automobile
disturbances and fires, erosion, and soil acidification together damage
plant community by making it less productive and are factors that must
considered in the restoration plan (Loeb 1986). In addition, invasive
also threaten oak-tulip forests. The invasive species include garlic
mustard (Alliaria petiolata), Asiatic bittersweet
(Celastrus orbiculatus), Japanese
honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica),
Japanese stiltgrass (Microstegium
vimineum), Japanese barberry (Berberis
thunbergii), and mutiflora rose ( The tulip tree,
sometimes also referred to as whitewood, yellow poplar, or tulip poplar
though it is not a poplar), is in the Magnolia Family and prefers
climates (Wikipedia). In the The approach of the restoration project is based on ‘build it and they will come’ scenario, the focus will be more on primary producers than animals. Though, in some cases, it may be better to know the customer before building the product, the maintenance and sustainability of the ecosystem should still depend on the basic infrastructure that is capable of survival in the given environment, which is the forest flora community itself and is the reason why the bottom up approach is preferable. III. Theory and considerations Population genetics questions and issues are one of the primary points to consider in any restoration project, whether it be done as an introduction of new species at a site, a reintroduction of species that once occupied the site, or augmentation of a current population by the addition of more individuals to the site (Falk et al. 2006). The issues manifest themselves when we look at the three types of restoration materials (i.e. seeds or young plants) used: resident, translocated, and introduced (Falk et al. 2006). Presumably, resident materials, those native to the restoration site are preferable to use when one already has a large gene pool within the existing, though perhaps slightly fragmented, population. The goal of the project may be to simply augment the site. However, if the population is severely fragmented or small, such an approach would be unfavorable for it may lead to increased homozygosity due to inbreeding, or reproduction between closely related individuals, which in turn, may lead to inbreeding depression (Falk et al. 2006). Meaning that, individuals with increased homozygosity will have less genetic variability which may limit their resilience to natural disturbances. Natural selection will have a difficult time weeding out bad alleles if they are the only option available. In the dominant
tree species case, an augmentation restoration would be feasible since,
present, their numbers in the area are relatively high. However,
materials, those from a nearby site or historic range may be more
since the population is still fairly fragmented and prone to isolation
could probably use some additional alleles. In particular, potential
populations include southern Introduced
restoration materials could potentially cause trouble to this community
hybridization occur between native species and the species from the
population. For example, should the introduced species of tulip tree, Liriodendron chinense, come from China
or Vietnam, then the native population, Liriodendron
tulipifera, could easily hybridize with it to produce faster
offspring (Wikipedia), which may, in turn, be capable of reproducing
quickly than the parent species and eventually overtake them. Such a
case may
be classified as one of heterosis and a sign of inbreeding depression
(Falk et al. 2006). Secondly, should the
introduced species of L. tulipifera
come from either Florida (semi-evergreen ecotype) or elsewhere in the
southeastern U.S. (coastal plain swamp ecotype), then these species
would be
incompatible with the given restoration site because they,
respectively, either
endure very wet environments and flower earlier or they exhibit high
tolerance (Wikipedia citing Parks et al.
1994). Unlike these ecotypes, the These alternative traits found in the southeast state ecotypes may not be all that bad, however. Initially, the alleles from these sites may indeed be negative where an increased genetic load and genetic pollution may hinder expression of the more suitable alleles, i.e. those which have been selected for by the native environment. On the other hand, some of the alleles carried by these ecotypes could get incorporated into the gene pool, increasing the gene pool and the tulip tree’s resilience to flooding, which may be helpful (as long as community dynamics are maintained; i.e. this additional resilience does not outcompete the oaks) considering the rise in sea level trend and potential for more frequent and severe hurricanes in the New England area due to global warming. Ecophysiological
constraints are a second critical issue to consider in designing a
project. According to Falk et al.
(citing Chapin et al. 2002), ‘water
availability is found repeatedly to be the resource most limiting to
plant and
ecosystem production.’ In particular, it is the lack of water and not
excess of which that acts as a greater stress on the plants and on
productivity (Falk et al. 2006). For
example, the tulip tree, Prunus serotina,
Acer rubrum, and Betula lenta act
as good invaders at dry or disturbed sites (e.g. clear cutting), which
usually oak dominated (Elliott 1994, Rudnicky 1989). These early
species like lots of light/ are shade intolerant, like wet/moist and
rich soil. However, severe or prolonged drought conditions may cause
tree, B.lenta and potentially the
other species to decline (Elliott 1994). During drought conditions,
oaks and
small-size class individuals (<10cm in diameter) of all species in
community suffer high mortality losses (Elliott 1994). The most
species are Quercus prinus and Q.
coccinea (not present at Inwood
according to Loeb 1986), which show no reduction in growth, while L. tulipifera has a significant
reduction in growth (Elliott 1994). (Case study, Elliott 1994, located
in the
Coweeta Basin, south Appalachian Forest.) Flooding and drought responses and stresses are below ground processes. Above ground processes are important as well. Presumably, all trees utilize C3 photosynthesis ( making it difficult for other tree species to invade since they have no competitive edge that C4 plants (e.g. sedges, grasses) have, that is, if analysis is based solely on this ecophysiological characteristic (Falk et al. 2006, For the restoration effort, we must consider the correct proportions to add of shrubs/vines/herbs (potential C4 plants) to tree species (C3 plants). For example, shade intolerant species like L. tulipifera seedlings may not grow if too many shrubs and other tree species are blocking the sun. Table 3. Representative Tree Species and their Respective Seed Dispersal Mechanism
Figure 2. Seeds of Representative Tree Species (c) 2002 Steve Baskauf (all images), a) Tulip tree b) Red maple c) White oak Next, we must consider the number of individuals to use in the restoration effort. A minimum viable population (MVP), or the least number of individuals needed to sustain a population through time at a given site (Falk et al. 2006), is preferred to be large, perhaps on the order of hundreds to thousands of individuals of a given species. The larger the population, the better it can withstand stochastic events such as natural catastrophes including floods, hurricanes, and droughts (Falk et al. 2006). On the tree scale one should probably use whole plants (i.e. seedlings), as opposed to seeds, for replanting efforts. Similar action may be necessary for the shrubs, vines, and herbs. Further, we must
consider the size of the metapopulation. A minimum viable
metapopulation (MVM),
or the least number of populations needed to sustain a metapopulation,
again be large (Falk et al. 2006). In
this case, we consider that the populations on Another issue to
consider is the minimum amount of suitable habitat (MASH), or the least
of habitat patches needed to sustain a metapopulation (Falk et
al. 2006). According to Falk et al., 15-20 patches
are required for
MVM, though large patches, too, mean lower extinction risk (2006).
the three groups (mainland, Figure 3. Oak-tulip tree range at present (black); potential oak-tulip tree range (blue). Source: NYNHP Conservation Guide. A fourth very
important and seemingly overlooked restoration issue is that of
processes, particularly short-term contemporary evolution, occurring at
site post-restoration and, potentially, as a result of restoration.
itself can act as a disturbance event at the site, which pushes the
evolutionary trajectory on a new path to a new stable state; in other
directional selection. Large populations and diverse communities are
likely to persist after a disturbance event, whereas small populations
are more
likely to go extinct (Falk et al.
2006); the large populations can handle the stress and adapt, whereas
the small
populations get overwhelmed. This concept further supports the
inclusion of
hundreds to thousands of tree species at However, we
should not think of introduced ecotypes (or alleles) so negatively
since they
can also reduce inbreeding depression, increase genetic variation and
long term
evolutionary potential (Falk et al.
2006). In the long run, it may make more sense to introduce ecotypes
from the
lower latitudes or more distant longitudes into
stages and patterns must also be taken into consideration when deciding
proportions of tree and shrub species to add to the site. For example, L. tulipifera is a dominant species in
early succession, or the first 50-150 years after disturbance, but the
population size decreases significantly after >500 years if
frequency is low (Busing 1995). Components of a disturbance regime
patch size, return interval, severity, and spatial dispersion (Busing
Greatest increases in L. tulipifera numbers
and basal area occur at small disturbance patches (.04 -.1ha),
relatively short
return intervals or disturbance occurrence at 50-100years, a large
causing about 25% tree mortality, and large gaps of .1ha (Busing 1995).
Therefore, L. tulipifera requires
lots of space, large gaps determined by canopy tree size (>.04 ha or
range of
.04-.1ha), and light to proliferate and regenerate seeds naturally
1995). A single patch
disturbance regime
also increases tulip tree establishment (Busing 1995). (Case study,
1995, located in the southern Appalachian cove forest.) Assuming that
intolerant species occur at low frequency in old forests (Busing 1995)
and that
the low frequency is only due to shade and other community interactions
excluding anthropogenic disturbances or invasive species influences) we
determine the successional stage of the community and promote its
towards a climax accordingly. IV. Current Problems The three
primary problems in the
V. Plan for restoration and its benefits It is a very tricky thing to decide how to restore a site in the optimal condition of its time. We know that there are multiple reasons for changes in species composition. Community interactions like predation and competition are unavoidable interactions. Urbanization is an additional component in this environment in which certain plant species like Tsuga Canadensis, which is not listed for Inwood, cannot survive past seedling and need human introduction and protection to thrive (Rudnicky 1989). Natural disturbances like the hurricanes of 1938, 1944, and 1950 are equally important determinants of species composition (Rudnicky 1989). Succession after a disturbance such as drought, floods, or hurricanes, sets back the maturation trajectory of the community and must be considered. The question, therefore, is what sort of restoration project should be implemented? Should the forest be brought back to the stage it was in before urbanization or before the natural disturbance? Or, should we focus on the present state of the system and allow successional trends to determine the focus of the restoration effort? Since change is inevitable in any dynamic system, so the project ought to be structured to follow an adaptive management strategy that will follow changes in species composition up to the climax community. The goal is to determine the successional stage in which the forest is in currently and to build on that. For example, with increased disturbance frequency, more shade intolerant species (L. tulipifera, P.serotina, A. rubrum, B.lenta), which are early successional species, will thrive (Rudnicky 1989). The shade intolerant species tend to grow faster and like fragment edges more than shade tolerant species (Rudnicky 1989). Slow growing, young T. canadensis (not specific for Inwood) is sensitive to disturbance and may be considered a late successional species (Rudnicky 1989). Quercus spp. are more resilient to disturbance, though they too are slow growing (Rudnicky 1989). Bringing the
plant community of Fragmentation To limit fragmentation we would have to consider closing off paths that are underutilized, remove the pavement, and plant native trees, shrubs, and herbaceous species in their place. Focusing on paths along steep slopes will also help alleviate the erosion threat (Ecological Planning Study 1987). Further research on the exact location of the underutilized paths will have to be performed, but the focus is still within the forest-i.e. within and around the areas of the Clove and the East and West Ridges. The benefit of reducing fragmentation falls into reduction of the remaining threats. Limiting human treading within the forest will reduce disturbance on natives enabling them to counter invasive species dominance. Removal of excessive pathways will also limit soil erosion. Honing in on the most utilized paths and setting up the most strategically placed historical plaques along them may additionally help create the most efficient self-guided tour. Herbaceous species should be planted along most utilized paths to limit edge effects and provide a buffer between forest and matrix (i.e. the path). In addition, the remnant light posts, or ‘accent ruins’ (Bresham 1990), along the forest paths should be permanently removed in order to make room for planting and add to the aesthetic beauty of the forest. Erosion/Invasives To limit erosion
is to also reduce the threat of invasive species. Active removal of
trees and vines at infested sites and replacement with native trees,
and especially herbaceous species, or species lacking a woody stem,
will reduce
erosion. Continual maintenance will limit the spread of invasive
species. The
benefit of reducing soil erosion along slopes is that less maintenance
have to be performed in the marshes. In addition, limiting soil erosion
prevents tree root exposure and makes for a healthier and more
ecosystem overall. To compensate for the trail loss, the project would build two 50 ft. wooden watch towers (Ecological Planning Study 1987) at already utilized sites along the forest edges. Instead of walking within the forest, the people can watch the forest ecosystem from a distance. The research on path and sport field usage, as well as ideal bird-watching sites would have to be performed before the towers are built. It is important to note that a group of students at the City College of New York cited as ‘Ecological Planning Study 1987’ came up with the idea of the towers at Inwood Hill Park, but current observations show that their plan was not implemented. Self-guided
To ensure
appreciation of the park’s history and natural heritage either the
historical plaques or additional landmark plaques would serve as
points in a self-guided tour of the park. The tour write-up should be
accessible to the public either over the internet or in the form of a
obtainable at the
VI. Timeline, budget, amount of work needed for restoration plan The project will
take 8 years to complete, where each year is comprised of two planting
one in the Spring and other in the Fall, and require substantial
funding and
volunteer assistance. Potential sources
of funding include 1996 Clean Water/Clean Air Bond Act, Lila
Digest Foundation, National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, the US
Protection Agency, EPA section 319 funds, NYC Environmental Fund, Urban
Resources Partnership, New York State Department of Environmental
(NRG Annual Report 2001), City of New York, National Oceanic and
Administration, New York/New Jersey Harbor Estuary Program, and New
Department of State (Benepe and Wenskus 2003). Volunteers may come from
the past, a simple land evaluation study
cost $84,987 for an unknown acreage (Bresham 1990). The land evaluation
in this
project will include a survey of path usage and designation of prime
both for the two towers and the historical plaques. The estimate of the
expected expenses for this initial land evaluation is around $10,000
and is
extracted from the ‘capital’ and ‘personnel expertise’ funds since it
survey work and landscape expertise to accomplish and should be
complete within
one year (see Figure 4). An 8 year
restoration project, from 1994 to 2001, cost $6,288,000 for 6,000 acres
forest within the five NYC boroughs and was funded by multiple donors
sponsors (NRG Annual Report 2001). Figure 4. Budget total $206,000 (Benepe and Wenskus 2003) Capital =construction work ($129,780) PS = Personnel Services ($63,860) OTPS = Other Than Personnel Services ($12,360)
Consistent funding throughout the 8 years is crucial. Productivity in tree planting may decrease with decreasing funds (see Table 4). According to the NRG 2003 Annual Report, a decrease in funding by 8% from 2002 to 2003, leads to a 25% decrease in planting productivity of trees, shrubs, and herbaceous plants despite the 50% increase in volunteer numbers and the 20% increase in volunteer events. On the other hand, the decrease in productivity could be due to a 21% decrease in the number of projects performed throughout the year or the 18% decrease in staff. However, either of these decreases could be due to the funding sink. Since the source of the productivity decrease is likely due to decreased funding, it is important to stress the importance of having continual funding inflow in order to make the project a success over the eight year time span. Table 4 (Benepe and Wenskus 2003).
in the past, the human community and neighborhoods in the area should
be allowed
to participate in the projects. NYC Department of Parks &
Recreation Urban
Park Rangers should continue to provide educational and recreational
events for
people of all ages. The Natural Resources Group (NRG), which is
generally in
charge of the restoration projects in the Northern Manhattan area (and
NYC parks), ought to engage the many potential volunteer groups that
available by announcing the work days for clearing and planting
either via radio, television, or newspaper media, as well as through
fliers and
announcements via the parks website. Within one season, one full-time
can plant 232 trees (NRG Annual Report 2001), which means that lots of
additional volunteer help is necessary to make the project a success.
example, the maximum number of herbaceous plants planted in Northern
parks was 14,714 in 2001; the maximum number of trees and shrubs
planted that
same year was 10, 244 (NRG Annual Report 2001). In order to maintain
the 2001
levels of tree plantings, at least 45 full-time foresters would be
needed for
the job. However, according to Benepe and Wenskus (2003), less than a
paid workers are designated for a given restoration project. Therefore,
volunteer groups are a crucial element in the restoration effort and
success of the restoration project both within the timeframe of the
eight year
project and beyond. Over an eight year project done from 1994 to 2001,
herbaceous and 26,713 trees and shrubs were planted in the Timeline Year 1: Survey work to determine path usage and site preference for the two towers. Both the tower and self-guided-tour trail design including the historical plaque content and design should be a priority at this time. Group meetings with community leaders and members would provide advantageous input on the feasibility of the proposed project. The level of community acceptance or opposition of the project can also be gauged at this time and suggestions can be used to further modify the project. Year 2-8: Careful herbicide spraying of invasive species within the Cove and the East and West Ridges and especially along the paths will prepare the sites for native species planting (Emmerich 1999). Though spraying Asian vines and weeds does not remove them entirely, their growth is still restricted for a short period of time by spraying. Manual removal of the invasives should accompany herbicide spraying or be implemented alone should health concerns arise. Native species planting should follow. In addition, the unused paths will be removed and replaced with native species, especially the herbaceous understory plants. The removal and plantings occur twice a year, in the Spring and Fall months. The above procedure should be followed each season of each year. The building of the two towers should commence during the second year of the project to compensate regular users of the park’s paths as soon as possible since paths under restoration will be closed off. In addition, the self-guided-tour pamphlets should be completed by the eight year to fall in line with the completion of the restoration project and the historical plaques. Therefore, timing of the restoration plan components is critical. Invasive species for removal include: Vines Porcelainberry (Ampelopsis
brevipedunculata) Japanese honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica) Oriental bittersweet (Celastrus
orbiculatus) Shrubs Multiflora rose ( Glossy buckthorn (Rhammus frangula) Trees Norway maple (Acer platanoides) Sycamore maple (Acer pseudoplatanus) Asian cork trees (Phellodendron japonicum, P. amurense) (list taken from Emmerich 1999) Oriental
bittersweet (Celastrus orbiculatus)
–the largest one is found in Queens at a diameter of 6.7 inches, see Figure 5, Benepe and Wenskus 2003)—
and porcelainberry (Ampelopsis
brevipedunculata) –which grow 20ft per yr, Benepe and Wenskus 2003)
smother both saplings and mature trees (NRG Annual Report 2001). Multiflora rose ( According to Emmerich 1999, mature invasives are a priority for removal over younger forms of the invasive. Vine invasives should be removed before tree invasives if they occur at the same site (Emmerich 1999). When performing invasive species removals, the maintenance of shade and conopy cover is important to minimize evaporation from the soils. When invasive trees are targeted for removal they may be cut to pieces as logs and left behind to decompose (Emmerich 1999). Figure 5. Largest oriental bittersweet
invasive found in Figure 6.
Progress of a
restoration program done in the past at Before
commencement of the restoration project, a permit from the New York
Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) must be obtained in
order to
plant any type of plant (Native Species Planting Guide 1993). Source
communities of plant species listed come from local nurseries and must
purchased. The Greenacre Foundation, North Manhattan Parks
Office, the Urban Forest and Education Program, and NRG nurseries all
local plant stocks (Benepe and Wenskus 2003). The NRG Rare Plant
Project used local plants from Inwood and other NYC parks and planted
the season following collection (Rare Plant Propagation Project 2006).
larger plant species seedlings are used for planting. Apparently, seeds
may be
used for grasses and groundcover plantings. Nurseries growing local
plants can
be found in
seedlings come in several forms including ‘herbaceous plugs,’
‘bareroot’ and
‘containerized’ tree seedlings, and balled-and-burlapped, or ‘B&B’
trees (see Figure 7, Benepe and Wenskus 2003).
containerized seedlings, or ‘seedlings grown in some type of pot or
instead of bareroot seedlings, or ‘seedlings lifted from open nursery
beds for
planting elsewhere’ is better; the containerized seedlings are bigger
survive better and can be planted in larger numbers at any given year
the planting season is longer for them (Benepe and Wenskus 2003). In
planting herbaceous plant types and installing biodegradable ‘cribbing
and jute
or coir mats’ through which the herbaceous species can grow, reduces
tremendously (Wenskus Dec. 2002). In order to reduce erosion in the
projects (Spring 2002/Fall 2002), more ‘groundcover herbaceous plants’
planted (5,345/3,665) in Inwood, than containerized trees and shrubs
(4,139/2,171), bareroot trees (825/-), or balled and burlapped trees
(Wenskus Jul. 2002). In 2003, twice as many herbaceous plants (29,135)
planted citywide than any other plant type, i.e. trees and shrubs
(14,962) (Benepe
and Wenskus 2003). Therefore, one can plant more herbaceous plants per
than shrubs and trees and these herbaceous plants are specifically
planted for
erosion control (NRG Annual Report 2001). The Natural Resources Group
Restoration Team (Seasonal) Planting Reports are excellent resources
for basic
information on the numbers of tree, shrub, and herbaceous species
planted per
park. However, the exact numbers and density of each tree, shrub, and
herbaceous species planted at Figure 7. Examples of plant materials used by NRG for forest restoration projects (Benepe and Wenskus 2003). Eighteen percent
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“Oak” Wikipedia. “ <> Wikipedia. “Sweet
Birch”. <> Appendix
Native Plants found at Inwood Hill Park including the Cove, and the East and West Ridges. Note: Appendix A is constructed from information provided in the Native Species Planting Guide 1993 Plants in bold are dominant in the given plant community. See Native Species Planting Guide (1993) for further instruction on planting these species (i.e. by ‘plant material type’ such as B&B, containerized, bareroot, plugs, and season for planting, etc.), the benefits to wildlife of and exact nursery locations for each species. I. Appalachian oak-hickory forest (East and West Ridges): hardwood forest on hilltop or hillsides facing south or west; (sandy) loam soils, dry at hilltops and moist at hill bottom Dominants: Northern red (at hill bottom), black (hillside), and white (hilltop) oak; shagbark, bitternut, mockernut hickories; American beech at hill bottom Ferns Hay-scented fern (Dennstaedtia punctilobula) Christmans fern (Polystichum acrostichoides) Graminoids Broomsedge (Andropogon virginicus) Pennsylvania sedge (Carex pensylvanica) Bottlebrush sedge (Elymus hystrix) Forbs White wood aster (Aster divaricatus) Stiff-leaf aster (Aster linariifolius) Spotted Joe-Pye weed (Eupatorium maculatum) White boneset (Eupatorium rugosum) Woodland sunflower (Helianthus divaricatus) Wild bergamot (Monarda fistulosa) Solomon’s seal (Polygonatum biflorum) Thin-leaf coneflower (Rudbeckia triloba) False Solomon’s seal (Smilacina racemosa) Shrubs Shadblow (Amelanchier canadensis) New Jersey tea (Ceanothus americanus) Red-panicled dogwood (Cornus racemosa) Bush honeysuckle (Diervilla lonicera) Mountain laurel (Kalmia latifolia) Pinxter azalea (Rhododendron periclymenoides) Pasture Rose (Rosa carolina) Northern blackberry (Rubus allegheniensis) Lowbush blueberry (Vaccinium angustifolium) Mapleleaf viburnum (Viburnum acerifolium) Blackhaw viburnum (Viburnum prunifolium) Trees Red maple (Acer rubrum) Sugar maple (Acer saccharum) Serviceberry (Amelanchier arborea) Black birch (Betula lenta) Gray birch (Betula populifolia) Shagbark hickory (Carya ovata) Flowering dogwood (Cornus florida) White ash (Fraxinus americana) Witch hazel (Hamamelis virginiana) Tulip tree (Liriodendron tulipifera) American hophornbeam (Ostrya virginiana) Eastern white pine (Pinus strobus) Black cherry (Prunus serotina) White oak (Quercus alba) Chestnut oak (Quercus prinus) Northern red oak (Quercus rubra) Black oak (Quercus velutina) Common sassafras (Sassafras albidum) II. Rich Mesophytic Forest (the Clove): Hardwood or mixed forest; occurs on less steep areas; Moist, but well drained and deep soils. Dominants: Oak-tulip (tuliptree, red maple, red and black oak); beech-maple (sugar maple, American beech) Ferns Lady fern (Athyrium filix-femina) Toothed woodfern (Dryopteris carthusiana) Marginal woodfern (Dryopteris marginalis) Sensitive fern (Onoclea sensibilis) Interrupted fern (Osmunda claytoniana) Christmas fern (Polystichum acrostichoides) New York fern (Thelypteris noveboracensis) Forbs White-wood aster (Aster divaricatus) Purple Joe-Pye weed (Eupatorium purpureum) White snakeroot (Eupatorium rugosum) Wild geranium (Geranium maculatum) Forest sunflower (Helianthus decapetalus) Jewelweed (Impatiens capensis) Canada mayflower (Maianthemum canadense) Partridgeberry (Mitchella repens) Oswego tea (Monarda didyma) Wild bergamot (Monarda fistulosa) White beardtongue (Penstemon digitalis) Mayapple (Podophyllym peltatum) Solomon’s seal (Polygonatum biflorum) Thin-leaf coneflower (Rudbeckia triloba) False Solomon’s seal (Smilacian racemosa) Foamflower (Tiarella cordifolia) Shrubs Shadblow (Amelanchier canadensis) Alternate-leaved dogwood (Cornus alternifolia) Bush honeysuckle (Diervilla lonicera) Spicebush (Lindera benzoin) Pinxter azalea (Rhododendron periclymenoides) Northern blackberry (Rubus allegheniensis) Lowbush blueberry (Vaccininum angustifolium) Mapleleaf viburnum (Viburnum acerifolium) Arrowwood (Viburnum dentatum) Blackhaw viburnum (Viburnum prunifolium) Trees Red maple (Acer rubrum) Silver maple (Acer saccharum) Serviceberry (Amelanchier arborea) Black birch (Betula lenta) American hornbeam (Carpinus caroliniana) Shagbark hickory (Carya ovata) Alternate-leaved dogwood (Cornus alternifolia) Flowering dogwood (Cornus florida) White ash (Fraxinus americana) Green ash (Fraxinus pensylvanica) Witch hazel (Hamamelis virginiana) Sweet gum (Liquidambar styraciflua) Tulip tree (Liriodendron tulipifera) Black tupelo (Nyssa sylvatica) American hophornbeam (Ostrya virginiana) Eastern white pine (Pinus strobus) American sycamore (Platanus occidentalis) Black cherry (Prunus serotina) White oak (Quercus alba) Pin oak (Quercus palustris) Northern red oak (Quercus rubra) Black oak (Quercus velutina) Common sassafras (Sassafras albidum) American linden (Tilia Americana) Note:
Appendix A is
constructed from information provided in the Native Species Planting
Guide 1993 See Native Species Planting Guide (1993) for further instruction on planting these species (i.e. by ‘plant material type’ such as B&B, containerized, bareroot, plugs, and season for planting, etc.), the benefits to wildlife of and exact nursery locations for each species. Appendix B Representative
wildlife species of
Appendix B is
constructed entirely from information provided in the Ecological
Planning Study
1987 The list is
based on
sightings; no actual counts were provided. Therefore, one must use
caution in
interpreting the provided list for some species that existed in 1987
may not be
around today. In addition, some of these species may have been replaced
other wildlife species. |