IBM Books

Administration Guide


SmartGuides help you complete some administration tasks by taking you through each task one step at a time. SmartGuides are available through the Control Center. The following table lists the SmartGuides.
Note:Not all SmartGuides are available for the partitioned database environment.

SmartGuide Helps you to... How to Access...
Add Database Catalog a database on a client workstation. From the Client Configuration Assistant, click on Add.
Create Database Create a database, and perform some basic configuration tasks.

From the Control Center, click with the right mouse button on the Databases icon and select Create->New.

Performance Configuration Tune the performance of a database by updating configuration parameters to match your business requirements. From the Control Center, click with the right mouse button on the database you want to tune and select Configure performance.
Backup Database Determine, create, and schedule a backup plan. From the Control Center, click with the right mouse button on the database you want to backup and select Backup->Database using SmartGuide.
Restore Database Recover a database after a failure. It helps you understand which backup to use, and which logs to replay. From the Control Center, click with the right mouse button on the database you want to restore and select Restore->Database using SmartGuide.
Create Table Select basic data types, and create a primary key for the table. From the Control Center, click with the right mouse button on the Tables icon and select Create->Table using SmartGuide.
Create Table Space Create a new table space. From the Control Center, click with the right mouse button on the Table spaces icon and select Create->Table space using SmartGuide.

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