Administration Guide
The following considerations apply to calling a user exit program for
archiving and retrieving log files:
- The database configuration file parameter userexit specifies
whether the database manager invokes a user exit program to archive files or
to retrieve log files during roll-forward recovery of databases. A
request to retrieve a log file is made when the roll-forward database recovery
utility needs a log file that is not found in the log path directory.
- Table space roll-forward recovery does not support the retrieval of log
files using user exits.
- On Windows NT, you cannot use a REXX user exit to archive
- When archiving, a log file is passed to the user exit when it is full,
even if the log file is still active and is needed for normal
processing. This allows copies of the data to be moved away from
volatile media as quickly as possible. The log file passed to the user
exit is retained in the log path directory until it is no longer needed for
normal processing. At this point, the disk space is reused.
- DB2 opens a file in read mode when it starts a user exit to archive a log
file. Therefore, the user exit should not be able to delete the file
while the file is still active. DB2 closes the file when it becomes
inactive. If the user exit finishes when the file is inactive, the log
file can be deleted but there is a performance cost for doing so.
- When a log file has been archived, and it is inactive, DB2 does not delete
the file but renames it as the next log file when such a file is
needed. This results in a performance gain since when creating a new
log file (instead of renaming the file), all pages must be written out to
guarantee the disk space. It is better to re-use than to free up and
then re-acquire the necessary pages on disk.
- DB2 will NOT invoke the user exit to retrieve the log file in either crash
recovery nor rollback.
- A user exit program does not guarantee roll-forward recovery to the point
of failure, but only attempts to make the failure window smaller. As
log files fill, they are queued for the user exit routine. Should the
disk containing the log fail before a log file is filled, the data in that log
file is lost. Also, since the files are queued for archiving, the disk
can fail before all the files are copied. Any log files in the queue
are lost.
- The configured size of each individual log file has a direct bearing on
the user exit. If each log file is very large, a large amount of data
can be lost if a disk fails. A log file configured with small log files
causes the data to be passed to the user exit routine more often.
However, if you are moving the data to a slower device such as tape, you
might want to have larger log files to prevent the queue from building
up. If the queue becomes full, archive and retrieve requests will not
be processed. Processing will resume when there is room on the
queue. Any requests not processed will not be automatically
- An archive request to the user exit program occurs only when
userexit is configured and each time an active log file is
filled. It is possible that an active log file is not full when the
last disconnection from the database occurs and the user exit program is also
called for a partially filled active log file.
Note: | To free unused log space, the log file is truncated before it is
- A copy of the log should be made to another physical device so that the
off-line log file can be used by roll-forward recovery if the device
containing the log file has a media failure. This should not be the
same device containing the database data files.
- In some cases, if a database is closed before a positive response has been
received from a user exit program for an archive request, the database manager
will send another request when the database is opened. Thus, a log file
may be archived more than once. If you do not want this multiple
archiving to occur, the user exit program must not allow the subsequent
requests for archiving the same file.
- If a user exit program receives a request to archive a file that does not
exist (because there were multiple requests to archive and the file was
deleted after the first successful archiving), or to retrieve a file that does
not exist (because it is located in another directory or the end of the logs
has been reached), it should ignore this request and return a successful
return code.
- A user exit may be interrupted if a remote client loses its connection to
the DB2 server. That is, while handling the archiving of logs through a
user exit, one of the other SNA-connected clients dies or powers off resulting
in a signal (SIGUSR1) being sent to the server. The server passes the
signal to the user exit causing an interrupt. The user exit program can
be modified to check for an interrupt and then continue.
- The user exit program should allow for the existence of different log
files with the same name after a point-in-time recovery; it should be written
to preserve both log files and to associate those log files with the correct
recovery path. (See "Considerations for Managing Log Files".)
- If two or more databases are using a device at the same time, and one of
the operations involves a roll-forward operation, a log file needed for
roll-forward recovery may not exist on the medium currently in the
drive. Two conditions can occur:
- If the user exit program passes a zero (successful) return code back to
the database manager and the requested log file has not been retrieved, the
database manager assumes the roll-forward operation is complete to the end of
the logs, and the roll-forward operation stops. However, roll-forward
processing may not have gone to the end of the logs.
- If a non-zero return code is returned, the database will be in a
roll-forward pending state, and you must either resume or stop roll-forward
To prevent either situation from occurring, you can ensure that no other
databases on the node that calls the user exit program are open during the
roll-forward operation, or write a user exit program to handle this
The following considerations apply if you are writing a user exit program
which is called from the BACKUP DATABASE and RESTORE DATABASE utilities:
- A non-zero return code returned by a user exit program causes the utility
to fail, and no retry is attempted.
- A wild card must be supported in the file name of a fully qualified file
name. For example,
C:\SQL00001\*.* and
C:\*.MH* are both acceptable search
- The user exit program must handle the response file format of one fully
qualified file name per line with each line terminated by a carriage return
and line feed. There is no end-of-file character in the file.
- If multiple backups of the same database are placed on one media, the user
exit program should be designed so that the correct version of the backup will
be selected during the restore operation. (See the
db2uexit.ex2 sample, as described in "Sample User Exit Programs for OS/2".)
- Two concurrently running backup processes that are sharing one backup
device must be serialized.
- If a backup image is spanned over more than one media, the prompting for
the media must be handled by the user exit program or an application it may
call. To support this feature, BACKUP DATABASE and RESTORE DATABASE
open an operating system foreground session to call the user exit
- The user exit program must not back up any subdirectory within the
database directory.
- When restoring a database using a user exit program, RESTORE DATABASE
requires complete control over that database. However, the workstation
can have active connections to databases other than the one being
- If a database is being backed up or restored with a user exit program and
another operation is using the same tape device, the backup or restore
operation could fail. The backup or restore operation will have to be
restarted. To avoid this situation, you can ensure that no other
databases on the workstation that call the user exit program for logging are
in use while a backup or restore operation is in progress, or you can ensure
that the user exit program retries the backup or restore operation at a later
time if a device is not ready.
- During the restore operation, the drive letter and the path can be
different from those specified during the backup operation. For
example, if file dbname.MH1 is backed up from
C:\SQLUTIL, you can restore it into
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