IBM Books

Administration Guide


The EXPLAIN_OBJECT table identifies those data objects required by the access plan generated to satisfy the SQL statement.

Table 124. EXPLAIN_OBJECT Table
Column Name Data Type Nullable? Key? Description
EXPLAIN_REQUESTER CHAR(8) No FK Authorization ID of initiator of this Explain request.
EXPLAIN_TIME TIMESTAMP No FK Time of initiation for Explain request.
SOURCE_NAME CHAR(8) No FK Name of the package running when the dynamic statement was explained or name of the source file when the static SQL was explained.
SOURCE_SCHEMA CHAR(8) No FK Schema, or qualifier, of source of Explain request.
EXPLAIN_LEVEL CHAR(1) No FK Level of Explain information for which this row is relevant.
STMTNO SMALLINT No FK Statement number within package to which this explain information is related.
SECTNO SMALLINT No FK Section number within package to which this explain information is related.
OBJECT_SCHEMA CHAR(8) No No Schema to which this object belongs.
OBJECT_NAME VARCHAR(18) No No Name of the object.
OBJECT_TYPE CHAR(2) No No Descriptive label for the type of object.
CREATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Yes No Time of Object's creation; null if a table function.
STATISTICS_TIME TIMESTAMP Yes No Last time of update to statistics for this object; null if statistics do not exist for this object.
COLUMN_COUNT SMALLINT No No Number of columns in this object.
ROW_COUNT INTEGER No No Estimated number of rows in this object.
WIDTH INTEGER No No The average width of the object in bytes. Set to -1 for an index.
PAGES INTEGER No No Estimated number of pages that the object occupies in the buffer pool. Set to -1 for a table function.
DISTINCT CHAR(1) No No Indicates if the rows in the object are distinct (i.e. no duplicates)

Possible values are:


TABLESPACE_NAME VARCHAR(18) Yes No Name of the table space in which this object is stored; set to null if no table space is involved.
OVERHEAD DOUBLE No No Total estimated overhead, in milliseconds, for a single random I/O to the specified table space. Includes controller overhead, disk seek, and latency times. Set to -1 if no table space is involved.
TRANSFER_RATE DOUBLE No No Estimated time to read a data page, in milliseconds, from the specified table space. Set to -1 if no table space is involved.
PREFETCHSIZE INTEGER No No Number of data pages to be read when prefetch is performed. Set to -1 for a table function.
EXTENTSIZE INTEGER No No Size of extent, in data pages. This many pages are written to one container in the table space before switching to the next container. Set to -1 for a table function.
CLUSTER DOUBLE No No Degree of data clustering with the index. If >= 1, this is the CLUSTERRATIO. If >= 0 and < 1, this is the CLUSTERFACTOR. Set to -1 for a table, table function, or if this statistic is not available.
NLEAF INTEGER No No Number of leaf pages this index object's values occupy. Set to -1 for a table, table function, or if this statistic is not available.
NLEVELS INTEGER No No Number of index levels in this index object's tree. Set to -1 for a table, table function, or if this statistic is not available.
FULLKEYCARD INTEGER No No Number of distinct full key values contained in this index object. Set to -1 for a table, table function, or if this statistic is not available.
OVERFLOW INTEGER No No Total number of overflow records in the table. Set to -1 for an index, table function, or if this statistic is not available.

Table 125. Possible OBJECT_TYPE Values
Value Description
IX Index
TA Table
TF Table Function

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