IBM Books

Administration Guide

db2split Parameters

Following are the parameters that you set in the db2split configuration file:


The release level of this program. When this program is used as part of DB2 Universal Database, it should be set to "V5.0". In all other cases, the release will be assumed to be DB2 Parallel Edition V1.

The input file name of the data you want partitioned. db2split recognizes stdin as a correct input file name and will receive input from it. If this field is not specified, stdin is used.

The record length of the input data file. There are different meanings depending on the type of data file.

For delimited data (file type DEL), this parameter is ignored. The record can be any length.

For binary numeric data or packed decimal data (file type BIN or PACK), the exact record length deducted by 1 is used (for backward compatibility), and it has to be less than 32K in length.

For positional ASCII data (file type ASC), and where each record has the same fixed length, specify the actual record length deducted by one. Again, it has to be less than 32K in length.

For positional ASCII data (file type ASC), and where each record has a variable length, and each record is delimited with a line-feed character, it can be set to zero, and the db2split program will distinguish records by the new-line character.
Note:The line-feed character in EBCDIC data is X'25'.

The data type of the input data file. Valid values are:

Positional ASCII file

Delimited ASCII file

Each record must be delimited by a line-feed character.

Binary numeric data file.

All numeric columns in the data file must be in binary format. Supported binary numeric data types include: Integer (4 bytes), Small Integer (2 bytes), Float (4 bytes), Double (8 bytes).

Each record must be the same fixed length and may not be delimited by a new-line character.

Packed decimal data file.

All decimal columns in the data file must be in the packed decimal format.

Each record must be the same fixed length.

Delimited data file with all decimal columns in implied decimal format.

Note:A data file can be any combination of ASC, BIN, or PACK types. The db2split configuration file can contain two declarations of the FileType parameter: one for BIN and one for PACK. If both BIN and PACK are specified in two declarations of the FileType parameter, then all numeric columns must be in binary form, and all decimal columns must be in packed decimal form.

The database partitions on which the table is to be created. (If no partitioning map is provided, the program uses this parameter to generate one.) You can specify node numbers separately and as a range. Each separate number or range (except for the last) must be followed by a comma (,). For example, Nodes=(0,1-3,7-9,11,13-15).
Note:Always use the Mapfili parameter when the partitioning map is customized instead and not the default partitioning map. In the case where the partitioning map is the default, use this parameter or the Mapfili parameter, but not both.

The database partitions for which output files are to be created. The valid range is from 0 to 999.

OutputNodes must be a subset of Nodes.

If this parameter is not specified, output files are created for all database partitions.

If OutputNodes has only one member, use OutputType to specify whether the output should be written to a file (w) or piped to stdout (s).

The default is stdout.

If OutPutNodes has more than one member, OutPutType is ignored.

The filename of the input partitioning map.

Always use this parameter if the partitioning map is customized otherwise only use this parameter if you do not specify Nodes. In an analysis run, you can obtain the set of database partitions that is used to construct the output map from the input partitioning map. An analysis run is established by the RunType parameter described later in this list. Use this parameter or the Nodes parameter but not both to provide a partitioning map to the db2split program.

The filename of the output partitioning map file.

This parameter is only meaningful during an analysis run.

The filename of the output distribution file.

This file is always written, and can be used as input by the data redistribution utility. The default name is DISTFILE.

The filename of the log file.

If this parameter is defined, all data is written to the specified file. If this parameter is not specified, output from the program is printed to the standard error device. After the filename, specify the mode:

Open for write, truncate file to 0. This is the default.

Open for write, append to the end.

The prefix of the output file.

db2split appends a 3-digit suffix (000..999) to the end of the prefix to generate the output file name if the Release parameter is "V5.0". Otherwise, db2split appends a 5-digit suffix (00000...00999) to the end of the prefix to generate the output file name.

The output files are named "prefix suffix". If the OutFile parameter is not specified, the default output filename prefix is NOD.

The column delimiter, which is used for DEL input files.

If FileType was not specified, this parameter can be used to determine if the datafile is ASC or DEL. If this parameter is not specified then the data file is an ASC file; otherwise, the data file is a DEL file. If specified, this parameter can be any character except line-feed, space, binary zero, or carriage-return.

The string delimiter.

This parameter is only meaningful with DEL files.

By default, the string delimiter is a double quotation mark (") and can be any character except line-feed, space, binary zero, carriage-return, or a period sign (.).

The decimal point.

This parameter is only meaningful with DEL files.

By default, the decimal point is a period (.) and can be any character except line-feed, space, carriage-return, or binary zero.
Note:CDelimiter, SDelimiter, and DecPt are all mutually exclusive.

Also, they have to be less than X'40' if the codepage of the data file is a double-byte character set (DBCS), Mixed, or EUC codepage. They cannot be shift-in (SI) or shift-out (SO) characters if the codepage of the data file is EBCDIC Mixed codepage.

Finally, you can specify delimiters in hexidecimal format. For example, you can use X'4F' or 0X'3A'.

The type of run you want. Valid values are:

Produce the customized partitioning map

Split the data

The possible values are:

The program checks for the truncation of records at output. It also checks if the record is empty or not at input if the record length is less than 32K.

The program does not check for those things mentioned in CHECK.

The partitioning key. The argument for this parameter has six fields, each field separated by commas:

One Partition statement is used for each column of the partitioning key (from high order to low order). An ASC example is as follows:


Put trace information for a specified number of records into the log file.

This parameter guides db2split to generate the header information or not.

If the parameter is YES, header information is generated for all splitting tables. Otherwise, no header information is generated for the splitting files.

The default for this parameter is YES.

The codepage of the input data file.

The codepage must be a database manager convertible codepage. If it is not provided, it is assigned the codepage number for the database if it is specified; otherwise, it is assigned the codepage number of the application.

The codepage of the database, where the table is defined.

The codepage must be a database manager supported codepage. If it is not provided, it is assigned the codepage number of the input data file; otherwise, it is assigned the codepage number of the application.

This parameter allows for checking of expected and actual record lengths in the data file by db2split.

This parameter is only meaningful for an ASC file.

The parameter values can be YES or NO. The default for this parameter is NO.

If the parameter is YES, and the RecLen parameter is not zero, db2split recognizes records by the new-line delimiter. Then it compares the actual record lengths with the expected record length. If there is no match, an error is returned for that record.

If the parameter is NO, no checking is done.

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