IBM Books

Quick Beginnings for DB2 Extended Enterprise Edition for UNIX

Creating the Administration Server

Use the dasicrt command to create an Administration Server. You must run this command on the machine where you have DB2 physically installed and have root authority.

The syntax of the dasicrt command is as follows:

   DB2DIR/instance/dasicrt ASName

where DB2DIR = /usr/lpp/db2_05_00 on AIX

= /opt/IBMdb2/V5.0 on Solaris

and where ASName is the name of the Administration Server, which is composed of a string of up to eight alphanumeric characters long. See Appendix F. "Naming Rules" for more information.
Note:If you are running NIS or NIS+, you need to set up the user and group names in such a way that:

  • The primary group of the Administration Server must be in the secondary group of all the instances.

  • The secondary group of the Administration Server must contain the primary group of all the instances
Secondary group lists will be modified automatically only if NIS or NIS+ is running on your system.

Because a user ID can only own one instance, you must have a separate user ID to own each Administration Server that you create.

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