IBM Books

Quick Beginnings for DB2 Extended Enterprise Edition for UNIX

Step 9. Make DB2 Extended Enterprise Edition Available


If you are setting up High Availability (HA) for DB2, the hadb2eee.setup program completed this step for you. See Appendix C. "Implementing Failover Support in the Solaris Operating Environment" for more information.

To make DB2 Extended Enterprise Edition accessible to users, you must ensure that the instance owner ID can execute any command using the rsh command on all nodes defined in the db2nodes.cfg file. To do this, you can either create an INSTHOME/.rhosts file or an /etc/hosts.equiv file.

If you want to use the autoloader command, you must also include the netname values for each machine. These values are specified in the fourth column of the db2nodes.cfg file.

For example, the INSTHOME/.rhosts file may look like: db2inst1 db2inst1 db2inst1 db2inst1 db2inst1 db2inst1

For more information about the INSTHOME/.rhosts or /etc/hosts.equiv files, refer to your operating system's reference manual.

You should also ensure that the IP address of every machine can be resolved for the names in the /etc/hosts and the /etc/resolv.conf files. These files are also described in your operating system's reference manual.


The system database directory contains information about all defined databases. You must ensure that all nodes always access the same system database directory file, INSTHOME/sqllib/sqldbdir/sqldbdir. Unpredictable errors can occur if either the system database directory or the system intention file (INSTHOME/sqllib/sqldbdir/sqldbins) is a symbolic link to another file. All database partition servers need to access the same copy of these files.

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