Old courses

Clifford Stein

Clifford Stein, Professor of IEOR and Computer Science

* IEOR 4405 (Spring 2019) -- Production Scheduling

* CSOR 4231 (Spring 2019) -- Analysis of Algorithms


  • IEOR 8100 (Fall 2014) -- Computational Approaches to Energy
  • IEOR 4405 (Spring 2013) -- Production Scheduling
    * CSOR 4231 (Fall 2011) -- Analysis of Algorithms
  • *
  • IEOR 4405 (Spring 2011) -- Production Scheduling
  • IEOR 6614 (Spring 2011) -- Optimization II
    * CSOR 4231 (Fall 2009) -- Analysis of Algorithms

    * IEOR 4405 (Spring 2009) -- Production Scheduling

    * IEOR 6614 (Spring 2009) -- Optimization II

    * IEOR 4600 (Spring 2007) -- Applied Integer Programming

    * IEOR 6614 (Spring 2007) -- Optimization II

    * IEOR 3608 (Fall 2006) -- Introduction to Mathematical Programming

    * IEOR 6614 (Spring 2006) -- Optimization II

    * IEOR 3608 (Fall 2005) -- Introduction to Mathematical Programming

    * CSOR 4231 (Fall 2005) -- Analysis of Algorithms

    * IEOR 8100 (Spring 2005) -- Randomized Algorithms

    * IEOR 4405 (Spring 2005) -- Production Scheduling

    * IEOR 3608 (Fall 2004) -- Introduction to Mathematical Programming

    * IEOR 4405 (Spring 2004) -- Production Scheduling

    * IEOR 3608 (Fall 2003) -- Introduction to Mathematical Programming

    * CSOR/IECS 4231 (Fall 2003) -- Analysis of Algorithms

    * IEOR 6610 (Spring 2003) -- Approximation Algorithms

    * IEOR 4405 (Spring 2003) -- Production Scheduling

    * IEOR 3608 (Fall 2002) -- Introduction to Mathematical Programming

    * COMS 4231 (Fall 2002) -- Analysis of Algorithms

    * Dartmouth Courses

    * IEOR 4405 (Spring 2002) -- Production Scheduling

    * IEOR 3608 (Fall 2001) -- Introduction to Mathematical Programming

    * IEOR 6605 (Fall 2001) -- Network Flows