Family tree photos

The family tree at created at Family Echo includes images or other graphics for everybody I could find them for. Unfortunately the GEDCOM backups do not include the images because GEDCOM itself makes no provision for them. So here they are as separate files, about 340 of them (out of 1318 total people in the tree as of 8 August 2020). Usually it's clear from the filename of each image who the person is, but not always. Making this more systematic is a big project I may never get to. As it stands, this collection of images can be matched up with the latest tree, which is always here:

By the way, all the royals and coats of arms are in Pam's family, not mine. All my early ancestors in Norway, Portugal, and Germany/Switzerland/Alsatia were poor farmers whose families can't be traced further back than the 1700s or in a few cases, the 1600s.

  (Click on any photo to enter)
006f8983-2e0e-44ec-956f-cde44dc58947 0999d3ad-428a-4907-8459-ff290dcac653 300px-Berenger_de_Vermandois-1 347f5716-116d-4a0e-9b0f-699383a4a93c 44b76240-cd2e-49f5-9cbc-6d056c7618dd 510631_504787h5650a554660fb53 598ca48f-bd0f-46b2-9a97-482c3ca83940 91RLTswBmqL 9547de6b-b771-483f-8cd4-ad27b3536c71 adc adelaide adelaideblanche adelaideofaquitaine adelaideofaquitaine2 adelaideofparis adelaoffrance adriana aethelstan aethelwulf alexandra alfonso alfonsodinafrancisco2019 alfredthegreatstatue alice alleyaloreto amin andrewgonnerman annabrownblessing annaofkiev-orig annaofkiev annaofkiev2 anniekass artur audrey auntbess auntlou AnnaKyjev baldwinofflanders barbara barbarajeanvanm beaumont berengerdebayeux bergitlund bernardlund bernhardlombardi berniceethel bernicefier bertrada betty bettyrae beverleypoehler billwilliams birdie bjorn bosoniiofarles brendakvanm Berenguela_I_de_Castilla cameronloreto carllund celestino charlemagne charlesgustinives charlesives charlesmartel charlesthebald charleswrager christopherloreto cjscott clydeburgess constanceofarles constanceofarles2 dadfedora2 danielaptos danny dariussafford1828 darlenemaevanm ddc1941b debracohen dec91968-19cf-4a2a-93be-a5a2d5ea14b9 dehatton dennis1963b df2aa042-c00a-444b-89eb-1dc6ff1383d5 dina dina2 doris dorothymills douglasvanm duncanofscotland dutton eadgifuofkent ealswith earljasperson earljaspersonjr earljaspersonjr2 ecgberhtofwessex ecgwynn edgartheelder edgarthepeaceful edithofwessex edmundgrey edmundiofengland edmundironside edumdmortimer edward1england edward2england edward3england edwardaethling edwardtheconfessor edwardtheelder eleanorneville eleanorofcastile eleanorofprovence eleasnorofaquitaine elizabethdeburgh elizabethgreystoke elizabethmortimer-bw elizabethmortimer elizmortimer+thomcamoys ella elmer emmamoser emmaofnormandy erikvictorious ethel ethelredtheunready ethylshaverives eurico ewas fafita fernando3castile-orig fernando3castile floydjackson forsterofadderstone forsterofbrunton franciscolobao franciscomachado francisconarciso francistalbot frankrider geoffreyplantagenet-orig geoffreyplantagenet georgeblessing gislie gorm graceirenerager granma granpa2 greystokecrest guillaumedeaquitaine-orig guillaumedeaquitaine gunnor gyridolafsdottir hannahlund haraldbluetooth harold haviose hedwigofnordgau hedwigofsaxony helenaf helenamm helenchamberlain henry henry1england henry1stfrance henry2england-orig henry2england henry3england henrydepercy heribert1 hildegardvinzgau hillfarm2 hiramrager hotspur hotspurcrest hughcapet hughthegreat hugo hugues huguescapet ilda images img_0892 ingeborg ingergard isaaccbsuman isaaccbsuman2 isabellaofangouleme-orig isabellaofangouleme isabellaoffrance Ingiburga_of_Norway_&_Sweden_seal janeannhocken janiseloreto jeanjasperson jeannededammartin jessemdickey jimmybrown joan2navarre joana joannjasperson joao3 joaommos johnblessing johnnylipes johnofengland johnphilipblessing johnteeter jroyscott juanalabeltraneja judithofbavaria judy1970a2 kaitlynmartins katesuman kennethnewman kreiter larryburgess leanluc lenburgess levichamberlain lily lina lionelofantwerp lloyd lloydpoehlerjr lori loricohen louiseburk louisiithestammerer louisthepious lundshannahfuneral luzia1 luzia2 luzia3 LB57-YGC madalena malcomiiofalba malcomliiiofscotland mamalori2 mamalori3 mamalori4 manuel manuelilda1937 margaretofscotland mariamachado marianaptos mariapatton marybower marydacre marylantz marysagona marystout massey matildaofengland-orig matildaofengland matildaofflanders-orig matildaofflanders matildaofscotland medium michael-mueller-signature michaeljasperson Matilda-of-Flanders-463951617x-56aa26405f9b58b7d000fddd nellieblessingeyster ogiveofluxembourg olof3 olofbjornsson pamfrance2018a4 pamjv2a pareecord pdc peggyannvanm pepintheshort percycrest pete1940b peterlund philipaplantagenet philippadehainault philippe4france-orig philippe4france pippin1 pippin2 polly poppadebayeaux portjamesloreto priscillajohnscharleshaley ragnar raimundo rakan raymond renataloreto richard1normandy richardjohns richardlund-orig richardlund richardsanspeur richardstout robert2france robertbeaumont robertiioffrance rogneda rogvolod rollo rollo+gisela-marriage rosa rubenjatel rufusrager2 rula ruthives ruthlund saintcunigunde sally samueltblessing sandy sandy2 seifmartins shirley sigfriedardennes sigrid solomontblessing sprota susanboyer2 susaneasterday susanfrager suzanapts suzonloreto tanimills tanyaloreto theray thomasdacre thomaswharton thyra unclebill uncleharry2 vij25tud_medium vladimirthegreat warrencives1 warrencives2 weatherhat wheelerlipes williamlongsword williamtheconqueror yaroslav yaroslavdaughters yoghanlantz zachariash zeca zeke zulmira

Created by Photogallery 3.05 August 8, 2020