Modified on September 20, 2024
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A Typo in Courant Paper (1943)
Wachpress Finite Elements : GADJ
Chair Mathematica Symposium 1995, 97, 99
Vice-Chair Turing Conference 2014
Quantification of Resilience : Gn
Professor, Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics, 620 Seeley W. Mudd;
Columbia University, Mail Code 4709, 500 West 120 St, New York, NY 10027-6699, USA;
tels: office: 212-854-3102; message: 212-854-3143; fax: 212-854-6267 or email: [email protected]Photo with The Chief Guest of IMS 2003, UK --- (and the Chair of IMS Executive committee)
Photo with The Founder of Fuzzy Logic, September 2007
Photo with The President of Waseda University, 2013
Undergraduate and Graduate: Computer-aided engineering graphics (GRAP E2005y and E4005 course outline , E4005y has an additional Projecr requirement
Graduate: Elasticity Continuum Mechanics (ENME E8310) and Viscoelasticity and plasticity (ENME E8320): OfficeHrs and ExamSch
Columbia University Funded Research on Art History
Engineering Analysis of Historical Monuments
Text Book : Finite Element Concepts: A Closed-Form Algebraic Development, 2018, Springer Verlag.
Columbia University Patent: Defect-free 4-node Finite Element Formulation and Solution
visit: PatentDescription
The following two items are achieved with computer algebra environment Mathematica
(i) four-node elastic elements pass both patch and zero-locking tests
(ii) one computer code handles compressible and plain strain incompressible elements
Columbia University owns the patent:
U.S. Patent No. 6,101,450 of Gautam Dasgupta for "Stress Analysis Using a Defect-Free Four Node Finite Element Technique" -
For further information contact Columbia University Science and Technology Ventures: ([email protected]).
Rational Finite Element:
Prof. E. L. Wachspress coined the term Gautam's Adjoint, GADJ, to be used in constructing rational polynomial shape functions. Books and papers by Wachpress describe and utilize GADJ.
Gautam number Gn : Quantification of Resilience
The Gautam number, Gn defines the resilience to be the ratio of ‘return period’ to ‘recovery period.’ Usually, both are expressed in years for extreme disasters. Dasgupta, subsequently, identified the time rate of resilience to be the sustainability index.The term Gautam number Gn was coined by Prof. E. Tachibana
Based on the research presentations (since 2012) on Natural, Industrial and Terrorist Disasters, at the Spring and Fall conferences on Disaster Simulation Seminars at the Nakanoshima center, Osaka university, Japan, the conference chair, Dean emeritus of Architecture, Osaka university, Professor Eizaburo Tachibana, coined the term Gautam number and its abbreviation, Gn, to emphasize the nondimensional quantification of resilience in mitigating natural, industrial and terrorist disast ers. Modern AI based computations, for example, in climate sciences and transparency in governance, utilize the related tensorial concepts.Nondimensional Characterization of Resilience
The Richter scale indicates severity of earthquakes. Following that in spirit, for extreme disasters, the Gautam number, Gn, furnishes a numerical value to quantify resilience, and its time rate of change depicts sustainability. Gns assess our comparative preparedness between catastrophic disasters. A socio-economic event is sustainable when its resilience grows in time. The return period, as in, a hundred year earthquake or a fifty year storm, depicts the severity of a natural disaster. Years spent to achieve a satisfactory restoration is termed to be the recovery period. The Gautam number, Gn defines the resilience to be the ratio of return period to recovery period. Usually, both are expressed in years for extreme disasters. Dasgupta, subsequently, identified the time rate of resilience to be the sustainability index.