Michael I. Weinstein
Professor of Applied Mathematics
Professor of Mathematics
Columbia University
email: miw2103 at columbia dot edu
phone: 212 854 3624
fax: 212 854 8257
department phone: 212 854 4457
address: Department of Applied Physics and Applied Mathematics
Department of Mathematics
Columbia University
New York, NY
I am a Professor of Applied Mathematics in the
Department of Applied Physics and
Applied Mathematics
and a Professor of Mathematics in the Department of Mathematics at Columbia University.
In 2015 I received a Math + X Investigator Award (2015-2025)
from the Simons Foundation .
My research interests are in the areas of
Partial Differential Equations,
Applied Analysis, Dynamical Systems and their role in the
study of Waves and Multiscale Phenomena in
Inhomogeneous and Random Media.
Research Projects include:
1) Waves in novel media, e.g. honeycomb structures, metamaterials, cloaking; Toplogically protected
2) Nonlinear Scattering, Dynamics of Hamiltonian PDEs
and applications to the Control of Coherent Structures
in Optics and Quantum Physics
(3) Scattering Resonances and Applications to
Electromagnetics, Acoustics
and Fluid dynamics
3) Optimization and Inverse Problems
Bibliography (with links)
Students, Postdocs
Funding - NSF, Simons Foundation
Columbia-SEAS Distinguished Colloquium Series in Interdisciplinary and Applied Mathematics
Mathematical Aspects of Condensed Matter Physics
ETH-Zurich, July 17-21, 2023; Supported Pauli Center (ETHZ), Simons Foundation and Annales Henri Poincare
Free Boundary Problems: Lecture Series and Recent Advances in Theory and Applications
Columbia University, May 30 - June 2, 2023; Supported NSF-RTG Award and Simons Foundation
Workshop on Mathematical and Physical Aspects of Topologically Protected States
Columbia University, December 7-11, 2020; Supported by Am.Inst.Math., Simons Foundation, NSF
Workshop on Transport and localization in random media: theory and applications
Columbia University, May 1-3, 2018; Supported by Simons Foundation, Packard Foundation, KiNet-NSF
Mathematical and Physical Aspects of Topologically Protected States
Columbia University, May 1 - 3, 2017; Supported by Simons Foundation and KiNet-NSF
Waves, Spectral Theory and Applications
Princeton University, September 10-11, 2016
Lectures on YouTube