function [fx,fxp,fy,fyp,f] = model; %[fx,fxp,fy,fyp,f] = model computes a log-linear approximation to the function f for a small open %economy with a debt-elastic interest-rate premium. The model is described in ``Real Business Cycles in %Emerging Countries?,'' by J. Garcia-Cicco, R. Pancrazi, and M. Uribe (AER forthcoming). . The %function f defines the DSGE model (a p denotes next-period variables) : % E_t f(yp,y,xp,x) =0. % %Inputs: none % %Output: Numerical first derivative of f % %Calls: anal_deriv.m and anal_deriv_print2f.m. These files are taken from the suite of programs for %first- and second-order approximation of DSGE models prepared by S. Schmitt-Grohé and Martin %Uribe and available online at % %(c) Martin Uribe % %Date September 2009. approx = 1; %Order of approximation desired %Define parameters syms BETTA GAMA DELTA ALFA PSSI RHOA RHOG OMEGA THETA PHI RSTAR DBAR G SIGMAG SIGMAA %Define variables syms c cp k kp k1 k1p a ap h hp d dp yy yyp ivv ivvp tb tbp la lap tby tbyp cay cayp gy gc giv yyback cback ivvback gyp gcp givp yybackp cbackp ivvbackp g gp gback gbackp %Give functional form for utility, production, and interest-rate premium functions %argument in expressions related to capital adjustment costs ac = kp/k*g-G; acp = k1p/k1*gp-G; syms s sp %Trade balance tb = yy - c - s - ivv - PHI/2 * (kp/k*g -G)^2; syms mu mup %Interest Rate r = RSTAR + PSSI * (exp(d-DBAR) - 1) + exp(mu-1)-1; syms nu nup %Marginal utility of consumption la = nu * (c - THETA/OMEGA * h^OMEGA)^(-GAMA); lap = nup * (cp - THETA/OMEGA * hp^OMEGA)^(-GAMA); %Write equations (e1, e2,...en) %Note: we take a linear, rather than log-linear, approximation with respect to tb, the trade balance) e1 = d - tb - dp*g/r; e2 = -yy + a * k^ALFA * (g*h)^(1-ALFA); e3 = -ivv + kp*g - (1-DELTA) *k; e4 = - la + BETTA / g^GAMA * r * lap; e5 = -THETA* h^(OMEGA-1) + (1-ALFA) * a * g^(1-ALFA) * (k/h)^ALFA; e6 = -la * (1+ PHI * ac) + BETTA/ g^GAMA * lap * (1 - DELTA + ALFA * ap * (gp*hp/kp)^(1-ALFA) + PHI * k1p/k1*gp * acp - PHI/2 * acp^2 ); e7 = -k1 + kp; e8 = -log(ap) + RHOA * log(a); e9 = -log(gp/G) + RHOG * log(g/G); e10 = -tby + tb / yy; e11 = -gy + yy/yyback*gback; e12 = -gc + c/cback*gback; e13 = -giv + ivv/ivvback*gback; e14 = -yybackp + yy; e15 = -cbackp + c; e16 = -ivvbackp + ivv; e17 = -gbackp + g; syms RHONU %Preference shock e18 = -log(nup) + RHONU * log(nu); syms RHOMU e19 = -log(mup) + RHOMU * log(mu); syms S RHOS e20 = -log(sp/S) + RHOS * log(s/S); %Create function f f = [e1;e2;e3;e4;e5;e6;e7;e8;e9;e10;e11;e12;e13;e14;e15;e16;e17;e18;e19;e20]; % Define the vector of controls, y, and states, x statevar_cu=[yyback cback ivvback gback k d nu mu s g a]; statevar_cup = [yybackp cbackp ivvbackp gbackp kp dp nup mup sp gp ap]; controlvar_cu = [gy gc giv tby h yy c ivv k1]; controlvar_cup = [gyp gcp givp tbyp hp yyp cp ivvp k1p]; log_linearize_cu = [statevar_cu gy gc giv h yy c ivv k1]; log_linearize_cup = [statevar_cup gyp gcp givp hp yyp cp ivvp k1p]; %variables to substitute from levels to logs log_linearize = [log_linearize_cu log_linearize_cup]; f = subs(f, log_linearize, exp(log_linearize)); %Compute analytical derivatives of f [fx,fxp,fy,fyp]=anal_deriv(f,statevar_cu,controlvar_cu,statevar_cup,controlvar_cup,approx); %Make f and its derivatives a function of the level of its arguments rather than the log f = subs(f, log_linearize, log(log_linearize)); fx = subs(fx, log_linearize, log(log_linearize)); fy = subs(fy, log_linearize, log(log_linearize)); fxp = subs(fxp, log_linearize, log(log_linearize)); fyp = subs(fyp, log_linearize, log(log_linearize)); %Eliminate future variables cu = [statevar_cu controlvar_cu]; cup = [statevar_cup controlvar_cup]; f = subs(f, cup,cu,0); fx = subs(fx, cup,cu,0); fy = subs(fy, cup,cu,0); fxp = subs(fxp, cup,cu,0); fyp = subs(fyp, cup,cu,0); %Construct ETASHOCK matrix: the vector innov indicates which rows in the system statevar_cup = hx * statevar_cu + ETAMATRIX innovationp carry an innovaition syms SIGMAG SIGMAA SIGMANU SIGMAMU SIGMAS ETASHOCK(find(statevar_cu=='g'),1)=SIGMAG; ETASHOCK(find(statevar_cu=='a'),2)=SIGMAA; ETASHOCK(find(statevar_cu=='nu'),3)=SIGMANU; ETASHOCK(find(statevar_cu=='mu'),4)=SIGMAMU; ETASHOCK(find(statevar_cu=='s'),5)=SIGMAS; ns = length(statevar_cu); if size(ETASHOCK,1)