Django 1.9 library changes

It's interesting to figure out strange problems that come up due to API changes. Consider this awkward code:

import importlib

    from django.template.backends.django import get_installed_libraries
    from django.template.library import InvalidTemplateLibrary
except ImportError:
    from django.template.base import get_library, InvalidTemplateLibrary

def load_tag_library(libname):
    """Load a templatetag library on multiple Django versions.

    Returns None if the library isn't loaded.
            lib = get_installed_libraries()[libname]
            lib = importlib.import_module(lib).register
            return lib
        except NameError:
            lib = get_library(libname)
            return lib
    except (InvalidTemplateLibrary, KeyError):
        return None

I added this to django-extensions' file to handle the removal of django.template.base.get_library in Django 1.9. This function works but could be better. For example, it's hard to see that the KeyError is being caught from get_installed_libraries()[libname]. And what if there was a legitimate KeyError from the except NameError block? The exception would get hidden and cause confusion for anyone trying to fix the code.

import django

def load_tag_library(libname):
    """Load a templatetag library on multiple Django versions.

    Returns None if the library isn't loaded.
    if django.VERSION < (1, 9):
        from django.template.base import get_library, InvalidTemplateLibrary
            lib = get_library(libname)
            return lib
        except InvalidTemplateLibrary:
            return None
        import importlib
        from django.template.backends.django import get_installed_libraries
        from django.template.library import InvalidTemplateLibrary
            lib = get_installed_libraries()[libname]
            lib = importlib.import_module(lib).register
            return lib
        except (InvalidTemplateLibrary, KeyError):
            return None

Is this code better? Who knows. At least it hides less legitimate exceptions.