Will Ma

Roderick H. Cushman Associate Professor
Decision, Risk, and Operations, Graduate School of Business
and Data Science Institute
Columbia University

Email: wm2428 (at) gsb (dot) columbia (dot) edu
Office: Kravis 951

Will's picture 


Teaching & Students (I am unable to respond to most inquiries regarding openings for Ph.D. positions, as admissions are handled at the departmental level.)


  I play piano at Sid Gold's karaoke bar in Manhattan! next event Wed Oct 30 7-9pm // mailing list // song list

I used to be a poker player and taught a poker course that is on MIT OpenCourseWare

I co-founded video game start-up Lunarch Studios and designed the strategy game Prismata

Some summary writings about problems I work on:

Working Papers/Under Revision (reverse chronological order of last update)

Publications (in [J] ournals and [C] onferences)