onlineT-Shirt Sale
AIChE is selling “Navier Stoked to be a Chemical Engineer” shirts! If interest, please fill out the form
Thursday, November 17th from 6:30-7:30 PM in Mudd 826Internship Panel
Want to get tips on how to get an internship for this upcoming summer? Come hear seniors talk about their internships / research experiences and how they got involved in the fields they plan to work in after graduation.
Tuesday, November 22th from 10:00AM to 5:00PM on the Lerner RampsKrispy Kreme Doughnuts Sale
For our fundraising project, we will be selling Krispy Kreme doughnuts the day before Thanksgiving break. It would really help our chapter in terms of organizing bigger and more engaging events, so please come out and get some doughnuts!
onlineMentorship Program
We are organizing a mentorship program for ChemE students, where underclassmen will have the opportunity to gain valuable insight and knowledge from upperclassmen mentors about the ChemE curriculum, internship applications, grad school, and much more! If you haven't already, please fill out this
form by November 11th.
Monday, February 16th, 2015, 1-2PMResume and Cover Letter Workshop
We are holding another Resume/Cover Letter workshop this year to prepare you for your internship and job applications as well as conferences and the upcoming Spring Career Fair on March 6th. Please fill out
this form by for a 10 minute session.
Tuesday, February 3, 6:30PMDuPont Recruiting Session
Location: Davis Auditorium (CEPSR)
DuPont recruiters will be on campus to recruit chemists and chemical engineers for full-time and internship positions! DuPont's University Relations and College Recruiting Manager John Larock will be there so bring your resumes and dress to impress (Business Casual)!
Please RSVP to secure your spot to the event to Chat De Silva at
[email protected].
Thursday, January 28th, 5PMAIChE General Body Meeting
Location: Lerner West Ramp Lounge
Join us for our first meeting of the semester!
Pizza and entertainment (i.e. Jeopardy) will be provided. See you all there!. Please click attend on our Facebook event
Friday, December 5th, 5PMEnd of Semester Celebration
Location: 826 Mudd
It's the end of the semester!
Come hang out with your chemE peers and mentorship groups to rack up those points.
There will be a nice selection from Malaysian Grill. Please click attend on our Facebook event
Wednesday, November 19th, 12PMFaculty Lunch with Prof. McNeill
Location: 826 Mudd
Please fill out
this form if you are interested by Monday, November 17th at 12PM. Speak with Professor McNeill and ask her questions that you may have!
Here is some background information that you should take a look at before you attend.
Monday, November 17th, 6PMAIChE Study Break - Insomnia Cookies
Location: Lerner East Ramp Lounge
AIChE will be holding a study break to begin the long two weeks before Thanksgiving break! Come relax with some of your fellow chemical engineers and socialize!
Friday, November 14th, 9:30AMChemE Gala Alumni Reunion
The Fu Foundation SEAS will be celebrating the 150th anniversary of its founding in 1864!
Come join the ChemE department in this celebration by attending the following events during the day.
Friday, October 17th, 6PMSenior Internship/Grad School Panel
Location: Lerner West Ramp Lounge
Learn more about how our current seniors secured internships and what the graduate school application process is like!
Wednesday, April 30th, 1:15PM Faculty Lunch with Prof. Koberstein
Location: Will announce to those chosen to attend
We will be having a faculty lunch next Wednesday, April 30th at 1:15 PM with Professor Koberstein.
Here is some information about him and his research! For everyone interested, please fill out
this form by 4/28 at 6PM!
Friday, April 18th, 1:00PM AIChE Industry Tour: Brooklyn Brewery
Location: Brooklyn Brewery, Williamsburg
Hope you're all finishing up the year strong! Thanks to some planning done by Shawn, we've got an industry tour coming up in a few weeks at Brooklyn Brewery! We've been told that the tour will be similar to the standard tour they give only with more science! Before I mislead some of you, this trip will be open only to those over 21 (for real) and due to limited space, we can only take 15 people. Hopefully we'll be able to make this a yearly tradition, but in the interest of those graduating(!) in the spring we're only opening the tour to seniors on a first-come-first-serve basis. To the juniors, there's always next year!
Thursday, March 6th, 4:00-6:00PMElectric Boat Corporation Recruiting Event
Location: 414 CEPSR
Electric Boat Corporation is a company that designs nuclear submarines and they are holding a recruitment event. Attached is the flyer -- Chem E is not listed under "Engineering Opportunities" but a recruiter has told us directly that they are interested in meeting with Chem E's.
Tuesday, February 18th, 4:30-5:30PMEngineering Week Event: Smoothies
Location: Broadway Room, Lerner
Join us in our celebration of Engineering Week with smoothies! Empanadas and other free giveaways will be present.
Thursday, February 13th, 4:30-6:30PMBMES Panel: What Do I Do Now? Job Search Panel
Location: BME Lounge (3rd Floor Mudd)
Join us for a biomedical and chemical engineering panel discussion spanning multiple job sectors. Learn what to expect from summer internships and how to get them. 1-1 networking will follow the panel. Refreshments will be served! Please RSVP
Wednesday, February 5th, 1:00PM Banta Faculty Lunch
We are pleased to invite you to the next AIChE Faculty Lunch with Professor Scott Banta on Wednesday, February 5th at 1:00 pm!
Tuesday, February 4th, 6:00-7:30PM DuPont Info Session
Location: CCE Conference Room, East Campus Lower Level
Attire: Casual
Thursday, December 5th, 8:00-9:00PM Senior Internship Panel
Several Chem E seniors will be speaking at this panel about their internship experiences last summer (both research and industry). If you are interested in learning more about how they found out about the internship, the application process, how they liked it/what they did, or would just like to know more about internship opportunities, come by and ask questions! There will be FREE FOOD (Thai Market) and refreshments this Thursday, December 5th in Lerner West Ramp Lounge from 8-9 PM. Hope to see you all there!
Friday, November 15th, 1:00 pm Chem E Mobile App
Are you interested in mobile app development? Are you excited by national competitions? Do you like pizza? We at Columbia University's AIChE (American Institute of Chemical Enigneers) Chapter are putting together a mobile application development team and would like your help! This is a great opportunity to get to know other Chemical Engineering and Computer Science majors, while working on a creative, interdisciplinary problem. Our first meeting/brainstorming session will be on Friday, November 15th, at 1:00 pm. Please Sign up here by Tuesday, November 12th.
Thursday, November 21stAIChE Mentorship Thanksgiving Potluck
Thanksgiving is right around the corner and AIChE will be having their annual Thanksgiving Potluck! It is scheduled for Thursday November 21. Right now we are trying to get a handle of how many people are going to be able to attend and if they had a preference as to what they wanted to bring. If interested, please fill out this survey by Tuesday, November 12th.
Wednesday, November 13th, 1:15 pmLeshaw Faculty Lunch
We are pleased to invite you to the next AIChE Faculty Lunch with Professor Stanley Leshaw on Wednesday, November 13 at 1:15 pm! Sign up by November 11th here!
Thursdsay, November 14th, 5PMBeyond Office Hours: Grad Student Advice Panel
Join AIChE and the Chemical Engineering Graduate Organization (ChEGO) on Thursday November 14th at 5 PM (Location TBA) for an advice panel with the Columbia ChemE grad students. Want to hear about applying to graduate school? Unsure of what goes into getting your PhD? Interested in ChemE life after undergrad? Come to this event to get answers, advice, food, and more!
Wednesday, November 13th, 6:30-8:30PM
Chemist's Club Student Event at NYU
NYU Silver Building (10th floor, Room 1003)
31 Washington Pl
New York NY 10003
Time: 6:30 - 8:30 PM
Pizza and soft drinks will be served.
Moderator - Nicole Goveas
Opening Remarks - Lew Boxenbaum on Marketing
1.) Dr Ernest Gilmont - Technology to commercialization
2.) Jessica Norton - THE Proctor &Gamble Way
3.) Dr. Alisa Vasilenko - L’Oreal Innovation to market
4.) Stefanie Stewart - Brenntag, Supplying the consumer products chain
5.) David Einhorn, IP Attorney - Copyright of Fragrances, IP of consumer products
Questions, please contact, Nicole Goveas,
[email protected]