Summer Internships in Biology

Internship programs in biology. Some information here has been updated.

Internships in New York City | Biomedical laboratory research - elsewhere | Ecology and environmental sciences | Marine biology | Other biology | For minorities | Summer coursework | Summer jobs

Additional lists of summer programs may be found at these sites:
Harvard Medical School's BCMP Summer Internship Program
Yale University A Guide to Summer Research Opportunities For Undergraduate Students In Science And Engineering.
National Science Foundation Research Experience for Undergraduates Program.
Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Science Opportunities.
Syracuse University. Summer programs for pre-health professions, listed by state.
Internship database, Michigan State University. Search by area of biology.

Columbia University's Career Services has additional information on internships. You can also visit their walk-in resource center on East Campus.

Internships in New York City (Those limited to minorities are listed separately, below.)

Biomedical laboratory research - elsewhere (Those limited to minorities are listed separately, below.)

Ecology and environmental studies

Marine biology - internships and courses 

Other areas of biology

For students from disadvantaged backgrounds or minorities

Summer courses - Tuition is charged

Summer jobs

Send corrections to Christina Panas at [email protected]

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