The XYZ Lab at Columbia UniversityLight-matter interaction, solar energy conversion, ultrafast spectroscopyGroup members | Publications |
Please go to our new web site.We
are interested in photophysics in molecular, hybrid, and nano-scale semiconductors. A main research thrust is to establish new photophysical mechanisms that may be utilized to revolutionize solar energy
conversion or light emission. As examples, recent discoveries in our lab showed how an electron and a hole is bound by the Coulomb potential across an organic semiconductor interface, how
an exciton can split into two via the singlet fission process, and how a charge carrier in lead halide perovskite is protected as a large polaron
Our group is part of the NSF Materials Research Science and Engineeting Center (MRSEC), Center for Precision Assembly of Superstratic and Superatomic Solids. |
XYZ Lab News5/7/2015: Congratulations to Xiaoxi Wu, who successfully defended her PhD thesis on the Photophysics of Perovskites. 6/23/2015: Congratulations to Cory Nelson, who successfully defended his PhD thesis on Nonlinear Spectroscopy of Interfaces. 8/11/2015:
Congratulations to Nick Monahan, who successfully defended his PhD thesis on Ultrafast Exciton Dynamics at Molecular Surfaces. 10/1/2015: Congratulations to Jue Wang for winning the Traube Fellowship for "Outstanding talent in photochemistry". 6/13/2016:
Congratulations to Haiming Zhu for winning the Sturge Prize. Haiming
will join the faculty of Zhejiang University on July 1st as part of the
"One-Thousand Talents" program in China. 3/13-17/2017:
Congratulations to Tim, Tyler, Jue, Prakriti, Drew, and Martin for successfully delivering 7 exciting talks at the March APS meeting in New Orleans 3/23/2017:
Congratulations to Kris Williams who successfully defended his PhD thesis on Auger recombination in III-V semiconductors. 3/29/2017:
Congratulations to XYZ for receiving the Vannevar Bush Faculty Fellow Award. 5/01/2017:
The XYZ group welcomes Prof. Dr. Mischa Bonn, a director of the Max Planck Institute at Mainz, Germany 5/12/2017:
Congratulations to Tim Atallah who successfully defended his PhD thesis on Ionic liquid - semiconductor interfaces. |