Columbia University Computing History   

Astrometric Conference 1953

Group photo
Astrometric Conference at Northwestern University 1953
This photo, taken at an astronomical conference at Northwestern University in 1953, shows, among others: Wallace Eckert (Columbia University and Watson Lab); Dirk Brouwer (E.W. Brown's successor at Yale, who co-authored some papers with Eckert); Jim Baker ("the world's greatest lens designer"); Jan Schilt (who took over day-to-day management of Columbia's Astronomical Computing Bureau during the War while Eckert was at the US Naval Observatory), Paul Herget (USNO and Cincinnati Observatory); Harold Spencer Jones (Astronomer Royal); Gerald Clemence (who worked for Eckert at the Naval Observatory and succeeded him in 1945). The photo and caption are from Sky and Ocean Joined by Steven J. Dick, Cambridge University Press (2003), p.415.

Columbia University Computing History Frank da Cruz / [email protected] This page created: 26 April 2004 Last update: 4 April 2021