Columbia University Computing History   

College Walk about 1925

College Walk about 1925
College Walk about 1925

Sundial dedication 1914
Dedication of the granite ball on the Sundial, 1914. Photo: Facets 2002-03.
From the Columbiana Archive: "Columbia's fourth home. A view looking south from Low Library in the 1920s found John Jay Hall, far left still under construction, with the 7-foot diameter [granite] ball of the sundial perched on its pedestal. Cars travelled across West 116th Street, as College Walk was known then, until the block between Broadway and Amsterdam was closed to traffic in 1954. The [granite ball was removed from the Sundial] in 1946 after it had cracked. Only its base remains today." Note the baseball players on South Field (maybe Lou Gehrig is among them) and the view straight through to West 114th Street -- No Butler Library (South Hall), no Ferris Booth or Lerner Hall...
Columbia University Computing History Frank da Cruz / [email protected] This page created: December 2001 Last update: 3 April 2021