Gary Baker, CC '84Columbia Daily Spectator, 11/5/1992, p. 11: "[A]dministrators in the Office of Development and Alumni Relations is [sic] currently cultivating two similar donations from other sources. Dawn Adelson, development officer for young alumni programs, said she is working with Jean Baker of Tuscon, Arizona, who is interested in setting up a memorial fund for her son, Gary Baker, CC '84, who died of AIDS in 1989. "We're still really flushing [sic] out the details," Adelson said. Baker is currently reviewing a proposal Adleson recently sent to her, and the donation will probably be an endowed fund or a prize fund, Adelson said. If it were an endowed fund of $50,000, according to Adelson, the scholarship would support male students who are interested in homosexual studies. The student would also have to write well, and creatively, because Gary double-majored in English and Computer Science, he added. If the donation funded prizes, it would most likely be awarded to the student who writes the best short story on a topic pertaining to the gay community, Adelson said." Columbia College Bulletin. Financial Aid: THOMAS GARY BAKER SCHOLARSHIP FUND(1993) Gift of Jean M. Baker in memory of her son Gary Baker, Class of 1984. See: Baker, Jean. Family Secrets: Gay Sons--A Mother's Story. Binghamton, N.Y. : Haworth Press, c1998. (Haworth Gay & Lesbian Studies) See Worldcat: |