About KLSA

The Korea Law Students Association of Columbia Law School was founded by Heidi Lee (CLS'09) and Steven Hwang (CLS'09).  Starting out as an informal facebook group of students interested in practicing their Korean in law school, it was officially chartered and recognized by CLS Student Senate in February of 2007.  Since then, the group has steadily grown in both membership as well as in scope of activities, thanks to Student Senate funding.

The focus of the group is to learn about and share Korean culture, history, art, food, politics, and language with each other.   We are currently expanding our horizons on what we can do on a regular basis, working together with other CLS groups as well as Korean professional societies and cultural organizations around NYC.

If you are interested in joining us or learning about future events, please contact KLSA@law.columbia.edu with your name, year, and your area of interest and we will keep you updated on future events.