Columbia University Libraries Dept. Cat./Coll. Mai. Manual [DCMM-224]

Lost and Missing



    The Presumed Lost Action List (PLAL) includes all items charged to PRESUMED LOST for a given location. This report supports the first step in the replacement/withdrawal review process for items that have been overdue for a substantial amount of time, are not likely to be returned by the patron, and are thus ready to be charged to KNOWN LOST if not located by a final search.


    1. "Day 1" for the purposes of report generation was January 1, 1993. The Presumed Lost Action List will be issued monthly beginning with February 1993. Each list will be cumulative.

    2. Staff should review and act on the entire Presumed Lost Action List within a month after it is issued. However, since each list is cumulative, items on the list which have not been discharged from PRESUMED LOST will reappear on the following month's list.


    1. The report includes all items first charged to PRESUMED LOST up to 100 days prior to the day the report was produced. Items charged to PRESUMED LOST more recently than 100 days will appear on subsequent monthly lists after they have "aged" at least 100 days, if they are still charged to PRESUMED LOST at that time.

    2. The report therefore includes items from 144 to 174 days after coming due for students, and from 190 to 210 days after coming due for officers. (Including time legitimately checked out, such books will have been "not on shelf" for from 174 to 204 days for students, and for 310 to 330 days for faculty.)


    Follow local searching routines to search for each item on the Presumed Lost Action List. Since each list is cumulative, do not search more items in the list than can be updated as necessary in CLIO before the next monthly run of the report. Instead, first search a small number of items and then update them in CLIO, then work on another small number of items.

    1. If the item is found:

      1. Discharge the item.

      2. Remove the replacement fee and lost item charge by following CLIO Manual procedures for updating bill & fine records.

      3. Annotate the Presumed Lost Action List to show that the item has been found.

    2. If the item is not found -- Follow DCMM procedures for charging items to KNOWN LOST after charging them to PRESUMED LOST.

      EXCEPTION: Staff may decide to exercise judgement and ignore some items on a Presumed Lost Action List, if for example they happen to know that there is still a strong likelihood the item can be retrieved from the patron or that the patron will return it in the near future.

Last update: 02/17/93 -- About this document