Columbia University Libraries Dept. Cat./Coll. Mai. Manual [DCMM-240]

Lost and Missing



    Initiating the replacement/withdrawal review process for an item which is not currently checked-out to any patron or pseudopatron and is not in its appropriate shelving location.


    1. The patron fills out a search request form.

    2. Circulation staff conducts a quick search for the item within 48 hours.

      1. If the item is found on the shelf, notify the patron that the item has been found, following local procedures.

      2. If the item is not found on shelf, search CLIO by ITEM ID, if known, or by call number.

        1. If an item record is found:

          1. Check-out the item to MISSING.

          2. Follow CLIO Manual procedures for placing a hold on the item for the patron requesting the item.

        2. If no item record is found:

          1. Follow CLIO Manual procedures for creating an unlinked item record. To ensure that the barcode is not re-used, discard it.

          2. Check-out the item to MISSING.

          3. Follow CLIO Manual procedures for placing a hold on the item for the patron requesting the item.

Last update: 03/17/97 -- About this document