Columbia University Libraries Dept. Cat./Coll. Mai. Manual [DCMM-540]

Catalog Maintenance




    Volume holdings data is created and maintained centrally. Use this procedure to send information about volume holdings corrections to Central Technical Services.


    1. Determine whether a copy holdings record exists for the serial or monographic set in question. To do this, search CLIO by call number.

      1. If a copy holdings record exists:

        1. Make a printout of the copy holdings record.

        2. Display the volume holdings record for the appropriate copy statement.

          1. Make a printout of the volume holdings record.

          2. Mark the corrections on the printout.

        3. Go to step III.B. below.

      2. If no copy holdings record exists:

        1. Make a photocopy of the shelflist card with the correct holdings information.

        2. If the shelflist card has incomplete bibliographic information, make a photocopy of the main entry card.

        3. Go to step III.B. below.

    2. Determine whether the corrections are for a monographic set or a serial.

      1. If the corrections are for a monographic set:

        1. Fill out Form R43.5 (Monographic Continuations Holdings Report Form) which is available from the Supply Room.

        2. Attach an annotated CLIO printout or photocopy of the shelflist card to the form.

        3. Send to Continuations Adder, MPB, 230 Butler Library.

      2. If the corrections are for a serial:

        1. Fill out Form R43 (Serial Holdings Report Form) which is available from the Supply Room.

        2. Attach an annotated CLIO printout or photocopy of the shelflist card to the form.

        3. Send to SPS, 320 Butler Library.

Last update: 12/22/92 -- About this document